Author Archive | Mike Robertson

Recycled material put to many uses

Recycled material put to many uses A statewide study estimated that recycling will contribute $11 billion to the state by next year. The College of Charleston’s Department of Economics and Finance conducted the study in 2006, when the economic impact was $6 billion, and estimated the $11 billion number to happen by 2011.

Our endless battle with no-see-ums

Dr. Brian Scholtens, a professor of biology at the College of Charleston, calls them “flying teeth,” and for good reason. “Only the females bite,” he said. “They need the protein from your blood to feed and raise the next generation of no-see-ums. They literally have mandibles that take a chunk out of your skin and […]

C of C Students Research at Stall

C of C Students Research at Stall Since February, College of Charleston students have been coming to Stall and working with special-needs students. Megan Flanagan, Kara Trachtenberg, Esther Wills, Kathryn Phillips and a few others were assigned a research project. Their initial purpose was to study the effects of strength training and general health/well-being, stamina […]

Thanks to EMS

Tonight the student of the College of Charleston EMS and Fire units were recognized for going the extra mile. They read a thank you statement from the man they saved during the cooper river bridge run after he suffered a heart attack and a student who was there to thank them for saving his life […]

EMS Ceremony (Script)

EMS Ceremony (Script) A group of College of Charleston students credited with saving a man’s life during this year’s cooper river bridge run and tonight he will come back to say thank you. The school’s EMS workers jumped into action when Steven Brown collapsed from a heart attack last month. It happened during the bridge […]

Charleston Post and Courier

Festival savors success College of Charleston assistant professor Wayne Smith described the recession-blind results as “probably the truest number we’ve had” for the March event.

Charleston Post and Courier

English, and masonry The College of Charleston is considering taking over the only school in America that offers a bachelor’s degree in the traditional building arts, including plastering, ironwork and masonry. College of Charleston President George Benson told members of the Board of Trustees at its recent meeting that the American College of the Building […]

Food and Wine Festival

The 2010 wine and food festival was a tasty success and now we know it was an economic success as well. According to an economic impact study by the College of Charleston’s Office of Tourism…the 2010 BB&T Charleston Wine + Food Festival…. more than doubled its economic impact on the Charleston area despite the downturn […]


Food and Wine Festival (Script) This year’s wine and food festival more than doubled as economic impact to Charleston. It’s new at 6:00. The College of Charleston Office of Tourism found despite the economic downturn the total impact grew to more than 5 million this year for more than 2 million in 2009.

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