Author Archive | Mike Robertson

Government shutdown could affect Lowcountry

Dr. Gibbs Knotts, chair of the Political Science Department at the College of Charleston, said that the shutdown could hurt the struggling economy. “There is uncertainty in the economy. That can be problematic, and it certainly doesn’t help that a lot of federal employees aren’t getting paychecks and don’t have money to spend in the economy,” […]

Miss S.C.’s comments: Embarrassing or teachable moment?

“Jeff Foxworthy and his ‘you might be a redneck’ jokes”are good examples,” says College of Charleston political science professor Gibbs Knotts. “The word ‘redneck,’ which has been used to describe political supporters of conservative politicians like James Vardaman and George C. Wallace, has even been embraced and become more positive recently. Charlie Daniels even has a […]

Prince Charles to receive CofC award

Prince Charles has had an eventful summer, with the birth of his first grandchild and a special award this week from the College of Charleston. The college’s Historic Preservation and Community Planning Program will present the prince with its Albert Simons Medal of Excellence, a recognition of the Prince of Wales’ advocacy for traditional architecture.

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