Author Archive | Mike Robertson

Ragusa: An historical take on the filibuster (op/ed)

What changed, exactly, now that the U.S. Senate has “gone nuclear”? Is this really a big deal? And is this unconstitutional? As a technical matter, last month’s reform wasn’t a change in the Senate’s rules. In “going nuclear,” Harry Reid and Senate Democrats merely “reinterpreted” the rule requiring a three-fifths vote to end debate on […]

Time to count artistic blessings

Next is Mark Sloan, director and curator at the College of Charleston’s Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art. Sloan has been steadily creating a nexus of contemporary art and putting together shows that both provoke and educate at the same. Before Sloan made it his mission to bring modern art to Charleston in 1994, it was […]

Building Stamina and Spirit With Military-Style Training

At the College of Charleston, the second-year coach Doug Wojcik and the team strength coach lead their own version of SEALs training on the beach on nearby Sullivan’s Island. Wojcik already had his Navy training, graduating from the Naval Academy in 1987 and playing college basketball alongside David Robinson. Wojcik’s team takes medicine balls, crawls […]

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