Archive | November, 2011

Biblical influence- AP

College of Charleston religion professor Elijah Siegler echoed Butler, saying the movement perhaps is not an imminent threat. “Dominionism is scary to me because it would overturn so many of the foundations of American democracy: separation of church and state, freedom of religion, religious tolerance,” Siegler said. “It should be made clear, though, that most […]

Charleston Mayor Joe Riley wages final campaign- AP

College of Charleston political scientist Jeri Cabot doesn’t think the cruise controversy is enough to unseat the mayor. “If the fire crisis wasn’t able to take out Riley, I don’t see this year as having anything particularly harmful,” she said.  

Study: Cruise ships benefit hotels- AP

A new study shows hundreds of additional hotel rooms are sold and tens of thousands of dollars in additional lodging revenue is generated every time a cruise ship arrives in or leaves from Charleston. The study was commissioned by the South Carolina State Ports Authority. It indicates that over three years, cruises added $13 million […]

Study: Cruises bring hotels $4.9M- Charleston Post and Courier

College of Charleston professor John Crotts, who co-authored both studies, said the latest report suggests Charleston’s pleasure ship business is attracting more passengers booking package deals that include hotels, and more who travel to the area and stay in local lodgings before and after cruises.  

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