Carolina First Arena has a new name. The College of Charleston’s basketball and volleyball arena will be renamed TD Arena this fall under the terms of a new licensing agreement with TD Bank. The naming agreement replaces the former agreement with Carolina First Bank, which was acquired by TD Bank last year.
Archive | August, 2011
Checking in with “Ones to Watch” from past years – Charleston City Paper
Living like a gypsy has been worthwhile for Lee-Chin Siow, who was recently awarded the Fellowship for Music Performance from the S.C. Arts Commission. “It’s a wonderful way to celebrate my 10th year in Charleston,” she says. In between her busy schedule as the director of strings and associate professor of violin at the College […]
Lowcountry feels tremor- Charleston Post and Courier
The windows were moving, but the trees stood still. Barney Holt was at his computer in the corner of a third-floor room at the Blacklock House on Bull Street in Charleston when he noticed the earthquake. “There was no wind blowing,” said Holt, director of property management and special projects for the College of Charleston. […]
Campus security: There’s an app for that- Baltimore Sun
“Many, many police chiefs and directors of public safety have seen that their jobs change from being the head of a campus public safety entity to being an emergency manager on campus,” said Paul Verrecchia, president of the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators and police chief of the College of Charleston in South […]