Archive | July, 2010

Tempting the ivory dream- Charleston Post and Courier

In Robin Zemp’s studio on the College of Charleston campus sits a black Yamaha piano, right next to his desk where professorial paperwork is piled. In an act of kindness, this accomplished instructor accepted the challenge of trying to teach me the secret of the ivory keys.

Is the U.S. Ready for the Next Big Quake?- Popular Machanics

SOUTHEAST Seismologist Steven Jaume of the College of Charleston in South Carolina says the ground acceleration map shows “two bull’s-eyes” in the East. One is the New Madrid fault, and the other is the Middleton Place/Summerville Seismic Zone, centered 22 miles northwest of Charleston, S.C.–100 miles from Burke County, Ga., where $8.3 billion in federal […]

Starting off strong- Charleston Post and Courier

Casey Wadsworth has ambitious plans for her college years: earn a high grade-point average, graduate early and get accepted to medical school. The 18-year-old from Pageland is one of 81 students getting a jump on freshman year this summer through the Speedy Consolidation and Transition Program, better known as SPECTRA, at the College of Charleston. […]

Simons Medal- Charleston Post and Courier

The Historic Preservation and Community Planning Program in the department of art history in the College of Charleston’s School of the Arts recently presented the inaugural Simons Medal of Excellence to Charleston Mayor Joe Riley. The Albert Simons Medal of Excellence was established in honor of the 20th anniversary of the School of the Arts. […]

Faces in the Crowd- Sports Illustrated

Thomas Barrows & Allison Blecher ST. THOMAS, V.I., AND FULLERTON, CALIF. > Sailing Barrows (pictured), a senior at Yale, and Blecher, a senior at Charleston, were named the men’s and women’s collegiate sailors of the year. Barrows won 31 races; Blecher took the A Division at the ICSA championships, helping the Cougars to the title. […]

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