eco-Innovation in Greece

The eco-innovation observatory is a much-needed information source for companies and innovation service providers, providing a solid decision-making basis for policy development. The observatory provides insight into how sustainable a company is and how much waste they emit into the environment.  The Environmental Performance Index ranks Greece as a stronger performer in the scheme of global rankings. Greece sits in 25th place as the country has an average performance in the areas of air quality, fish stocks, and GHG emissions intensity. However, the country struggles with many challenges, such as air emissions from transport. and electric power stations, overexploitation of its water resources, and loss of marine diversity in various ecosystems around the country. Greece remains to be one of the best countries that prioritize sustainable energy as they continue to be one of the most successful countries in the use of solar thermal energy. A great addition that the country has in mind it the Greek government is preparing a Master Plan for the gradual closure of lignite-burning energy plants in areas where the plants are located. As a result of this plan, the pressures from the generation and treatment of waste have been reduced greatly. As great as this is, the closure of illegal landfills. and illegal metal foundries continue to be a challenge for the country to overcome.

The eco-innovation input index is based on the national indicators of the government’s environmental and energy R&D appropriations and outlays. Greece scored only 79, with the European Union average being 100 in 2018. Compared to 2016, when the country increased its performance considerably, Greece’s performance was only slightly higher, 57. Aside from the more eco-innovation aspects, Greece continues to have one of the lowest performances in socio-economic outcomes. For reference, in 2016, eco-industry exports reached only EUR 56 million but then improved in 2016 when the exports counted to EUR 32 million. Additionally, there was a decrease in total employment from 2016 to 2018. But in 2018, the size of the eco-industry has decreased, with its revenue being 1.32%of total revenue across all companies.

As positive of an impact the eco-innovations have had on the country, the efforts to introduce them in the construction sector slowed down greatly. Due to the economic crisis, companies have sought to explore opportunities afforded by eco-innovations in terms of costs and cater to clients’ needs. As all of these socioeconomic issues have continued, Greece remains to lack a clear and cohesive framework for the support of eco-innovation and eco-industries despite the improvement through various innovations and research projects.

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