Industrial Symbiosis in Greece

Industrial Symbiosis in Greece

In this article a study was done to determine whether industrial symbiosis have spatial conditions and limits that restrict its potential. The paper analyzes studies of industrial symbioses in Greek industry. They use studies that include research in the archives of the Ministry of Economy, personal professional experience of the author in the field of environmental industrial controls, and through contacts and interviews with administrators of Industrial parks in Greece as well as executives of different businesses and companies in Greece. The total number of these case studies is said to be estimated at several thousand.

The analysis of the several thousand case studies, according to the document, “Suggests that the spatial allocation of companies at the IP scale generally prevails in the case of the reuse of industrial waste, while in the case of end-of-life-cycle products, larger spatial scales prevail”. Spacial allocation of an industry can also be effected by behavioral factors which is interesting. Some special factors include economic factors, environmental factors, and social factors. Economic factors include spacial allocation of waste sources, land acquisition cost, labor cost, and transportation cost. Environmental factors include physical characteristics of waste and waste compatibility. Social factors include conventional and behavioral factors.

The study concludes that industrial symbiosis does in fact have spatial conditions and limits that can restrict it. This study was definitely an interesting one and I wasn’t too sure what the results would be but had some ideas. Overallm I thought the study and research done was effective and can help places like Greece and other countries realize that industrial symbiosis has limitations to it based on these case studies.


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