Eco-Innovation in Greece

The eco-innovation observatory is a platform for the collection and analysis of a huge amount of eco-innovation and circular economy information, gathered by the European Union and other important economic regions. This platform allows for companies and innovative service providers to make climate based decisions for policy development. The environmental policy in Greece focuses on promoting renewable energies and energy efficiency. Greece’s best resources include solar, wind and tidal power. We are working to protect the islands. I think the biggest challenge would be finding ways to be more sustainable while still promoting agriculture and tourism, those two stimulate the economy. As of 2018 Greece ranked on the lower end of eco-innovation performance amongst the other EU countries. Greece ranked 75 out of 100. When looking at the Eco-Innovation Index 2019 illustration you can see that Greece is working its way to the EU average or EU standards. Greece is only seven positions behind. 

This is expected to improve due to the Action Plan for the implementation of the National Strategy for Research, Technological Development and Innovation for eco-innovation from 2015-2021. This plan sets the stage for the integration into a circular economy. The Action Plan is directed towards industrial waste management, anti-pollution technologies and industrial symbiosis, climate change mitigation, and access to environmental information and mitigation of natural disasters. At the end of the day every country needs to work towards altering their current practices into a circular economy. Cradle to cradle is the best method for reducing waste and making good use of all available resources. Since tourism is such a crucial part of Greece’s economy, it would be best for businesses and residents to find more eco-friendly practices to combat the waste produced by crowds each tourist season. Various islands use wind energy to practice using renewable resources. There should be more of an effort made across all areas to do the same. It would take small changes like this to make a big difference. As you travel around Athens as well as the islands it can be noted that most houses use solar panels. Solar panels and nanotechnology in windows is being used in homes to increase indoor air quality and smart meters for energy efficiency. There are EU funded projects taking place in regards to all aspects of energy. A few of those include energy production, landing planning and public health, and environmental management. So even though the country isn’t ranked highly on the scale, they are working to improve their position. 

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