US Embassy/ACG Office of Sustainability Speaker presentations

All of the speakers from the US Embassy and the ACG Office of Sustainability Speaker were so amazing. I am so thankful for the opportunity of being able to meet them during class. Both of these jobs really seemed to make an impact and are so rewarding! The US Embassy was so interesting to me especially because I didn’t really know exactly what their job was before meeting them. Turns out their job varies from a million different tasks throughout their career. Tasks can range from getting movies approved to be filmed in Greece to helping brands find which market is best for them and many more. Their passion and dedication is so admirable how they are willing to travel and live in different countries constantly every four years. I think it is really nice that the government gives a lot of stability to families and provides them with many necessities to help. It also is so cool because I feel like they are always learning something new with each different task they have to do. The main speaker was so sweet and gave great advice regarding job opportunities and learning to take risks because you could only benefit from it. Like her experience with the job application process for joining the embassy. I love how she and the rest of the embassy members help America form better relationships with many different countries because that is so important. 

Learning from the ACG Office of Suitability Speaker was so insightful! You can tell how much she truly cares about our environment and sustainability. I strive to be more aware of my carbon footprint after listening to her. She is working very hard at the American College of Greece to make it as sustainable as possible with projects ahead as well. This college is going to implement water fountains for students to use more reusable cups like Americans. I thought it was so interesting when she told us the story of how there is a debate on the cigarette company trying to invest in their sustainability projects. The controversy of whether sustainable cigarette companies can even be considered sustainable is ironic. She explained obviously this is because they are bad for the environment and the health of everyone using the product. Overall I really enjoyed both experiences of the presentations by the US embassy and ACG Office of Sustainability Speaker.


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