Two New Programs to Lure You Out of Your Room
Parents have expressed concern to us that their youngsters are now spending far too much time in their rooms. Well now is the time to try out some new things that may lead to new hobbies. Consider giving one of them a try.
Check out the video produced by our own assistant director of Campus Recreation Services, Freddie Lipata. Freddie, an avid fisherman, saw how this unique sport could address some of our present stressors. Better yet is the noble feeling one gets when introducing others to a new sport. Equipment and bait is provided!
Here is a unique geocaching game developed by CRS Director Gene Sessoms. So many of us have not really explored downtown. Instead we just zoom by in our car or bike. The game will appeal to those who like to explore cool sites, enjoy a long walk, examine local history, and those who just love a challenge. This is one of those activities that is perfect to do with a friend or shift it around and compete against members of your club.