23 and Climbing
Skip Rector, our resident yoga expert, now leads his 23rd year of yoga classes for the Campus Recreation Services program. Not sure that either of us thought about that when we first kicked around the idea of offering yoga classes for the recreation program back in ’94. Glad that we did. Students who participate in the program have nothing but the highest compliments to share.
Skip continues to cement his standing in the yoga community with his latest effort. He has the distinction of authoring a book on the subject, Yoga: A Modern Approach to an Ancient Practice, 2nd edition.
Find out what others have learned as Skip introduces you to the wonderful practice of yoga. For more information, please call Skip at 843.442.9162. Better yet, come join the class at any time during the session.
Meeting Times
Tuesdays at 5:30-6:45 p.m.
Room J-201 in the Johnson Center. Yoga mats are available for the participants.
Session Dates
Session 1: Tuesdays, January 17 through February 28
Session 2: Tuesdays, March 21 through May 2
Register online at the Marketplace https://secure.touchnet.com/C20590_ustores/web/store_main.jsp?STOREID=23.