

  • Been with Verizon for 10 years
  • Currently a consultant aka a recruiter, her permanent position is a tech supporter
  • A lot about career development and community
  • Looking for people who want to stay for the long run


  • Been with the company for 3 years
  • Started off in customer service moved to tech support and now help people with transitioning between the two
  • Verizon is more than just cell phones, they have a lot of other technologies like light bulbs, nest thermostats, and the GizmoPal
  • They’re location is the hub for accessibility

About Verizon

  • Verizon builds relationships with customers and want to make their lives easier, better, and more manageable
  • Integrated messages between phones and tablets
  • Sell wireless cameras for homes which are super awesome
  • Internet of Things
    • Gear watches
    • Smart bands
    • Thermostats
    • Lightbulbs
    • etc.

Resume Tips

  • Looking for some who really stands out
  • Clean consistent format
  • Be creative
  • Bullet points not paragraphs
  • Put your professional blog on resume, if there is one
  • Put your volunteer work!
  • Objective: cater object to specific company because it helps you stand out

Fundraiser and Robots

Today we had a very successful fundraiser and had about $100 in profit!  We sold adult grilled cheese sandwiches (cheddar, gouda, prosciutto, and apples) for $5 with the prosciutto and $4 without.  We also had brownies for sale, baked by our treasurer, Katie Vaughan, and they were delicious!  The event was a hit among both students and faculty so we are hoping to do something similar soon.


We also played with the Wonderworks robots a bit, which was definitely entertaining for our club members!  In the future we plan to explore the API and apps further so that we can bring them into local schools and teach kids some coding skills!

Tomorrow we will be picking up our new banner, which we are excited to see and use at events.  We will also be helping out with the Lady Cougars STEM Day in the arena at the College of Charleston tomorrow.


-Check out the new WiC website
-Alumni Symposium is on the 17th, register for that.
-If you want to go to Grace Hopper, work on a poster that you can submit that will increase your chances to receive scholarship
-If you are interested in running for officer next year, contact Sarah.

SCANA Corporation
– Ginny Nardozzi
– Been in business since 160 years
– Most IT jobs are in Cayce, SC
– Mission: to provide energy-related products
– Have a solar strategy
– Building new nuclear deployment that will be online by 2020
– Have great benefits
– Ginny works in Information Service & Technology
– IT department has about 400 people
– Go to to look for jobs/internships
– Internships: from May to August, schedule is very flexible
– Co-op: want you to work a full day
– Email Ginny for any questions:



– go check out the new website!

Denise Gosnell

-Got undergrad in math then a Masters in mathematics, got a PhD in computer science in Tennessee

-Worked with Sheryl Sandberg and helped write second book

-Ted Tanner told her she was going to be a data scientist, even though she was looking to be a software engineer

About the company

– Two offices: business is in the Valley and engineering here in Charleston.

– Ted Tanner is the CTO – has worked on many startups and with Apple and Microsoft

– PokitDok is a platform for the business of health and health insurance

– They have 6 data scientist, which is a lot compared to People Matter who only has one data scientist

– They’re a Python house

Data Science in Industry

– A combination of math and science, hacking skills, and subject expertise

– 80% is getting data, cleansing data, and organizing data, 20% is analysis and taking action

– Tools used for cleaning: Python, Pandas data frames, GraphLabs

– Tools used for analysis: GraphLab, Spark

–  Tools used for visualization: Scikit-learn, SciPy, Gephi

– Data scientist hold data and think of ways to distribute back to the public in a way so that it makes sense

– “You’re not coding hard enough if you aren’t breaking anything”

– Open source code on GitHub

– Ted believes in quality over quantity



  • February 10th, Ron will be giving a talk on how to use GitHub. Go to to sign up, there are seven spots left. Bring your own laptop.
  • Everyone should join the Computer Science Facebook group, and also the Women in Computing Facebook!
  • We just got a new sponsorship from Blackbaud, they are providing $500, so that’s great!
  • We need to volunteer more! Sign up to volunteer to earn hours and money for WiC! Contact Sarah if you’re interested.
  • Friday there is a seminar on Computer Graphics at 3:30 pm at Harbor Walk West in the auditorium.
  • We will be getting a banner soon, hopefully!

Dynepic by  Zenko

  • A small, woman-owned company that makes connected children’s toys.
  • Been around for about two years now.
  • Won many awards for innovative toys.
  • Quirky- is a talking toy. Using your cellphone, you can send a text that goes back to the company where they do some stuff and eventually your toy talks.
  • The toys can detect sensibilities, can detect what other toys are near them, and uses software to even make appropriate sounds for a particular action.
  •  YouTube video: DynePods Protect your Candy. An advertisement for DynePods and Halloween.
  • DynePods are used to make toys come to life, for instance, Lego helicopters.
  • Make Lab Charleston groups: classes on coding. There’s also an electronics team, so if you’re into that.


Quick introductions of both board and members in WiC!

JamieSue from Google:

-From Manning, SC

-Mom was first person in family to go to college

-Didn’t get a degree in Computer Science, first computer experience in 4th grade.

-High school newspaper got a computer and Jamie was the only one who really knew how to work a computer.

-Went to college at USC, got a degree in English

-Worked as a graphic designer

-Last semester of senior year took her first computer science class and loved it!

-Started writing documentation for CSS in Colorado

-Went to NY and worked for a consulting company

-Worked for a company called Zygat and wrote code for about a year.

-Became Co-Director of technology for about 10 years

-Worked in Argentina and other places for awhile.

-Worked with maps in Google for about a year and a half

-Now works with Google education

JamieSue comment on WiC:

Suggests we read the book Unlocking the Clubhouse. It talks a lot about guys getting into computer science very young because when computers came out it was marketed towards boys. While women don’t focus on computers until college and how we feel put down being compared to guys who have been computing since age 10. It’s okay if you don’t identify with some specific tool or language, in some ways it’s more beneficial. The book made her feel like she belonged to the computing world better after reading.

Group questions:

Q: What has been your best experience in your many jobs?

A:  Coding when it was not as big of a deal

Q: Something about the importance of different degrees vs real life.

A: It depends a lot on the company. Having a degree, it’s you passed the application and to the interview. Some places are different, having a portfolio can also be very important. Open source projects can help make you stand out, it helps show your passions.

Q: Do you know anyone who went directly into project management?

A: Yes I know a few people, there are ways to go directly there. However, having some coding experience doesn’t hurt to have. I do feel like having some background in the coding world is huge, because when someone says that a project involving coding will take two days, I know that that is not true.

Q: What else do you do in addition to your project manager position?

A:  I work closely with the engineers and make suggestions on projects. It’s really up to the person to define the roles.

Q: Can you describe a day-to-day / what you are doing tomorrow at work?

A: I do a lot of people management, I manage about 15 people. My day consist of a lot of people coming and asking how to do something.

Q: How was working for a consulting firm?

A: The difficult thing about working for a consulting firm is that you are always trying to prove yourself when you start on something new.

Q: Any tips for traveling with work?

A: Work on your people skills, make someone trust you and that’s a good way to be sent places.

Q: Helping with soft skills?

A: Crucial conversations book and finding common ground.

Q: What are some yays and nays for interviewees?

A: (Rob) Do say “yeah that’s the end to my knowledge in that area” if you don’t know about the topic. Be truthful and honest. I am a big fan of open-ended questions. i.e “Tell me about your network experience.” and a lot of hypothetical questions to see your thought process.

(JamieSue) I look for the word “we”. We did this or we worked on this. It shows that your a team player. I love to hear your thought process, don’t sit in silence thinking about hypothetical questions.

Q: Can you talk a little more about CS First?

A: Our website is We created a curriculum through videos. We use a tool called Scratch. Our concept was reaching out to minorities and girls. We are trying to get a diverse group interested in the computer industry. To volunteer, go to the website and sign up. A single theme is 8 session, twice a week for four weeks or once a week for eight weeks, about a total 10 hour commitment.