Tag Archive | Dynepods



  • February 10th, Ron will be giving a talk on how to use GitHub. Go to chscodecamp.com to sign up, there are seven spots left. Bring your own laptop.
  • Everyone should join the Computer Science Facebook group, and also the Women in Computing Facebook!
  • We just got a new sponsorship from Blackbaud, they are providing $500, so that’s great!
  • We need to volunteer more! Sign up to volunteer to earn hours and money for WiC! Contact Sarah if you’re interested. mackeysm@g.cofc.edu
  • Friday there is a seminar on Computer Graphics at 3:30 pm at Harbor Walk West in the auditorium.
  • We will be getting a banner soon, hopefully!

Dynepic by  Zenko

  • A small, woman-owned company that makes connected children’s toys.
  • Been around for about two years now.
  • Won many awards for innovative toys.
  • Quirky- is a talking toy. Using your cellphone, you can send a text that goes back to the company where they do some stuff and eventually your toy talks.
  • The toys can detect sensibilities, can detect what other toys are near them, and uses software to even make appropriate sounds for a particular action.
  •  YouTube video: DynePods Protect your Candy. An advertisement for DynePods and Halloween.
  • DynePods are used to make toys come to life, for instance, Lego helicopters.
  • Make Lab Charleston groups: classes on coding. There’s also an electronics team, so if you’re into that.