– go check out the new website!
Denise Gosnell
-Got undergrad in math then a Masters in mathematics, got a PhD in computer science in Tennessee
-Worked with Sheryl Sandberg and helped write second book
-Ted Tanner told her she was going to be a data scientist, even though she was looking to be a software engineer
About the company
– Two offices: business is in the Valley and engineering here in Charleston.
– Ted Tanner is the CTO – has worked on many startups and with Apple and Microsoft
– PokitDok is a platform for the business of health and health insurance
– They have 6 data scientist, which is a lot compared to People Matter who only has one data scientist
– They’re a Python house
Data Science in Industry
– A combination of math and science, hacking skills, and subject expertise
– 80% is getting data, cleansing data, and organizing data, 20% is analysis and taking action
– Tools used for cleaning: Python, Pandas data frames, GraphLabs
– Tools used for analysis: GraphLab, Spark
– Tools used for visualization: Scikit-learn, SciPy, Gephi
– Data scientist hold data and think of ways to distribute back to the public in a way so that it makes sense
– “You’re not coding hard enough if you aren’t breaking anything”
– Open source code on GitHub
– Ted believes in quality over quantity