Anton Vander Zee
College of Charleston
Department of English
74 George, Room 101
Charleston, SC 29424
Ph.D., English, Stanford University, 2012
Dissertation: ‘The Final Lilt of Songs’: Late Whitman and the Long American Century. Albert Gelpi and Roland Green, Advisors
M.A., English, Stanford University, 2005
B.A., English, Purdue University, 2002
Associate Professor of English, College of Charleston (Charleston, SC), August 2019 – Present
Assistant Professor of English, Honors College Faculty Fellow, College of Charleston (Charleston, SC), August 2013 – 2019
Visiting Assistant Professor, College of Charleston, August 2010 – May 2013
Instructor, Stephens College (Columbia, MO), Fall 2006 & Fall 2007
Edited Collections
Vander Zee, Anton and Trisha Folds-Bennett, editors. Honoring the First-Year Experience: Curricular Foundations in Honors. National Collegiate Honors Council Monograph Series, proposal formally accepted and collection in preparation.
Vander Zee, Anton and Emily Rosko, editors. A Broken Thing: Poets on the Line. University of Iowa Press, 2011.
Articles, Reviews, & Entries
“Sonnet Bound: Claude McKay and the Sonnet Tradition. Chapter Proposal accepted edited collection.Unsettling Poetry Pedagogy. U. Amherst Press. In preparation.
Vander Zee, Anton. “Late Whitman: Critical Pasts, Critical Futures,” RALS: Resources for American Literary Study, vol. 40, 2018, 90-144.
Vander Zee, Anton. “Inventing Late Whitman,” ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture, vol. 63, no. 2, 2017, pp. 42-81
Vander Zee, Anton. “Whitman’s Late Lives,” Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 35, no. 2, 2017, pp. 174-200
Vander Zee, Anton. “Becoming Legible: Helping Students Navigate Promotional Genres of Self-Narration.” Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, vol. 18, no. 1, 2017, pp. 29-37
Vander Zee, Anton. Trisha Folds-Bennett, Elizabeth Meyer-Bernstein, and Brendan Reardon. “From Orientation Needs to Developmental Realities: The Honors First-Year Seminar in a National Context.” Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, vol. 17, no. 1, 2016, pp. 115-149
Vander Zee, Anton. “George Oppen.” American Writers XXVI. Jay Parini, editor. Scribner’s, 2015, pp. 223-238
Vander Zee, Anton. “Hieroglyph,” “Nativity Poem,” and “Serial Form.” The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. 4th ed. Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman, editors. Princeton University Press, 2012, pp. 629-630, 918-919, & 1295-1296.
Vander Zee, Anton. “Introduction: New Minds, New Lines.” A Broken Thing: Poets on the Line. Emily Rosko and Anton Vander Zee, editors. University of Iowa Press, 2011, pp. 5-24
Vander Zee, Anton. “Milton’s Mary: Suspending Song in the Nativity Ode.” Modern Philology, vol. 108, no. 3, 2011, pp. 375-399
Vander Zee, Anton. “‘Shard, Shard, Shard’: Mary Ann Samyn and the Contemporary Meditative Lyric.” Agni Online. 1 Aug. 2010
Vander Zee, Anton. “Whitman, Lately.” Agni, vol. 72, 2010, pp. 184-200
Vander Zee, Anton. “Printed Evils and Painted Veils: Anecdote of an Error by Frank Lentricchia.” The Wallace Stevens Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, 2007, pp. 189-196
“Under the Sonnet’s Menace’: Boundedness, Rage, and Race in the Post-Romantic Sonnet.” International Conference on Romanticism. Charleston, SC. October 2021. Presenter
“Lyric Crossing, Lyric Care: Lerner, Whitman, Creeley,” American Literature Symposium on American Poetry. Washington, D.C. February 2020. Presenter.
“Honoring the First Year Experience.” National Collegiate Honors Council Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. November 2017 Idea Exchange, Organizer and Host.
“William Carlos Williams’s Poetics of Descent: Whitman, Lateness and the Problems of Obsolescence.” American Literature Association Annual Conference. Panel–Williams and Whitman. Boston, MA. May 2017. Presenter.
“Teaching (and More) with WordPress: Creating Dynamic Web Environments Using Canvas.” College of Charleston Teaching Learning & Technology Conference. Charleston, SC. March 2017. Workshop Leader.
“From Developmental Needs to Orientation Realities: The Honors First-Year Seminar in a National Context.” National Collegiate Honors Council Annual Conference 2015. Panel Organizer and Sole Co-Presenter.
“Edward Dowden and the Invention of Whitman’s Late Style.” American Literature Association Annual Conference. Panel—Late Whitman. Boston, MA May 2014. Panel Organizer and Presenter.
“Substance and Style: A Self-Evaluation Rubric for the Personal Essay.” National Association of Fellowship Advisors (NAFA) Annual Conference. Panel—Beyond Dos and Don’ts: The Personal Essay in a Page. Atlanta, GA. July 2013. Panel Organizer and Presenter.
“The Sonnet’s Torture.” Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention. Special Session Roundtable—Early Modern Contemporary: Poetry, Tradition, Innovation. Boston, MA. January 2013. Panel Organizer and Chair. Conference Presentation.
“On A Broken Thing: Poets on the Line.” The English Department Presents: New Books by Faculty. College of Charleston. Charleston, SC. February 2012. Presentation.
“‘A New Orientation’: Walt Whitman beyond Elegy and Utopia.” MLA Annual Convention. Special Session—Whitman and the Ultra-contemporary: Between Crisis and Innovation. Seattle, WA. January 2012. Panel Organizer and Chair. Conference Presentation.
“What Form Knows: Notes toward a Late Formalism.” MLA Annual Convention. Panel—Twentieth-Century American Literature and the New Formalism. Seattle, WA. January 2012. Conference Presentation.
“Whitman, Lateness, and Allegory.” International Walt Whitman Week, Transatlantic Walt Whitman Association. Tours, France. June 2009. Plenary Session Presentation.
“When Lilacs Last: The Late Formalism of Walt Whitman and Robert Creeley.” Stanford Workshop in Poetics. November 2008. Workshop Presentation.
“To Be in Any Form: Robert Creeley Reading Walt Whitman’s Late Poetry.” MLA Annual Convention. Special Session—Some Twilights of Twentieth-Century American Poetry. Chicago, IL. December 2007. Panel Organizer and Chair. Conference Presentation.
“Notes on Urban Formalism: William Carlos Williams, George Oppen, and the Theoretical City.” Idea of the City Conference. Northampton, UK. June 2007. Conference Presentation.
“Formal Anxieties: Ideas of Form in Twentieth-Century American Poetry.” MLA Annual Convention. Special Session—What We Talk about When We Talk about Form. Philadelphia, PA. December 2006. Panel Organizer and Chair. Conference Presentation.
“Fretting Form: Nation, Novelty, and Late-Modern Aesthetics.” Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Annual Conference. Panel—Cultivating the New: Poetic Innovation and Formal Play in Modern and Contemporary Poetry. Austin, TX. March 2006. Panel Co-Organizer. Conference Presentation.
“Instance of Pain, Instance of Playing: Michael Palmer, Wallace Stevens, Theodor Adorno.” American Literature Association (ALA) Symposium on Poetic Form. San Diego, CA. October 2005. Conference Presentation.
“Politics Again: Rethinking Form and Content in Wallace Stevens and his Critics.” Stanford-Berkeley Conference. Palo Alto, CA. April 2005. Conference Presentation.
College of Charleston (Tutorials and Independent Projects Not Included)
“Introduction the Graduate English Studies” (ENGL 511), Fall 2021
“Schooling American Poetry: American Poetry after 1945” (ENGL 576), Fall 2020
“Walt Whitman and His Influence” (ENGL 450), Fall 2019 Spring 2016
“The Self as Story: Autobiography at the Intersection of Science, Culture, Philosophy, & Art” (HONS 381, HONS 255), Spring 2019, Fall 2021
“Schooling American Poetry: American Poetry after 1945” (ENGL 359), Spring 2019
“Sustainable Futures: Honors Academic Writing” (HONS 110), Spring 2021 Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Fall 2017, Fall 2016
“American Literature Survey” (ENGL 207), Spring 2018, Spring 2017, Spring 2015
“Schooling American Poetry” (ENGL 705), Spring 2017
“Introduction to English Studies” (ENGL 299), Spring 2016, Spring 2013 (2 sections), & Spring 2012
“The ‘Great’ American Novel 1900-196” (ENGL 356), Spring 2018, Spring 2015, Fall 2012
“Beyond George Street: Honors College First-Year Experience” (HONS 100), Fall 2018, Fall 2017, Fall 2016, Fall 2015, Fall 2014, Fall 2013
“Millennials Writing / Writing Millennials: Introduction to Academic” (HONS 100), Fall 2015, Fall 2014 (2 sections), Fall 2013 (2 sections)
“Pre-America: Literatures of Exploration, Contact, and Settlement” (ENGL 361), Spring 2014
“Modern Poetry: From Word to World” (ENGL 335), Spring 2014 & Fall 2012
“The Rhetorics of Age: Introduction to Academic Writing” (HONS 110), Fall 2010 (2 sections), Spring 2011 (2 sections as ENGL 110), Fall 2011 (2 sections), Fall 2012 (2 sections)
Writing the ‘American’ Self: Autobiography from the Founding to Facebook (ENGL 360), Spring 2011
Transnational Poetry: Walt Whitman in America and Beyond (ENGL 350), Fall 2010
Stanford University
From Cradle to Grave: The Rhetorics of Age and Aging (First-Year Writing Course), Fall 2009
Poetry and Poetics, Teaching Assistant, Spring 2006
Illusory Ends: The Rhetoric of Borders and Boundaries (First-Year Writing and Service Learning), Winter 2005 and Spring 2005
Shakespearean Dilemmas, Teaching Assistant, Winter 2004
Stephens College
Contemporary International Writing: From Fiction to Autobiography, Fall 2006 and Fall 2007
Related Experience
Honors Peer-Facilitator Training, Spring 2013
Faculty Research & Development Grant, 2017
ExCEL Award for Outstanding Faculty for the College of Charleston Honors College, 2015
RPG Research Presentation Award (with student), College of Charleston, 2013
Academic Affairs Small Grant for Innovative Teaching and Learning, College of Charleston, 2013
Summer Undergraduate Research Funding Grant (with student), College of Charleston, 2013
Invited peer response to the Yale Anthology of the Devotional Lyric, 2014)
Outside Reader: Criticism, 2017
College of Charleston
President, CofC Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, AY 2021-22 Present
Chair, Advisory Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Third-Year Review, AY 2021-22
Member, Advisory Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Third-Year Review, AY 2020-21
Director, MA in English, 2020 – Present
Chair, MA Committee, AY 2020 – Present
Member, College Reads! Committee, AY 2013-14 – Present
Member, English MA Program Graduate Committee AY 2016-17 – AY 2017-18 and Fall 2019
Executive Board Member, President Elect, Phi Kappa Phi, AY 2019-20 – Present
Committee on Assessment of Institutional Effectiveness, Spring 2019
Member, Curriculum Committee, AY 2018-19
Executive Board Member in charge of PR and Student Awards and Activities, Phi Kappa Phi, Director of Student Awards and Activities, AY 2016-17 – AY 2017-18
Director, Office of Nationally Competitive Awards (NCA), CY 2013 – AY 2018-19
Faculty Fellow, Honors College, AY 2012-13 – AY 2018-19
Member, ad hoc Scholarship Committee, AYs 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16
Member, Student Fulbright Campus Review Committee, August 2010 – December 2012
Stephens College
Member, Learning Communities Steering Committee, Honors House Plan, 2006 –2007