ENGL 207.03, Spring 2018 (MYBK 208) T/TH 12:15 – 1:30
This course has an ambitious goal: to introduce you to core authors and themes in American literature from the beginnings to the present. In addition to providing an overview of certain core figures and themes, we will pay attention throughout to key historical shifts and changes to which the literature we read continually responds. As we work our way through this enormous body of work, you will have the opportunity to hone skills in close reading, critical thinking, and careful writing. Frequent class conversations will also help you develop you ability to interact productively and dynamically in a group setting.
Learning Outcomes:
Students completing this course should demonstrate knowledge of the literary and cultural history of the United States from 1492 to the present, which includes:
- Awareness of the wide range of literary texts that were written in this period
- Familiarity with topics, themes, and literary techniques of some of these works
- Familiarity with some of the ways these works of literature have been interpreted and appreciated by others
- Skills in analyzing and interpreting literary texts
- Skills in writing, critical reading, and informal oral communication
General Education Student Learning Outcomes, Humanities:
- Students analyze how ideas are represented, interpreted or valued in various expressions of human culture.
- Students examine relevant primary source materials as understood by the discipline and interpret the material in writing assignments.
These outcomes will be assessed using assignment #3–Contextual Analysis
Required Texts:
The Bedford Anthology of American Literature (shorter second edition) and occasional additional readings linked on the course schedule.