Episode 11 – Rethinking the Final Project with Professor Liana Hakobyan

Professor Liana Hakobyan

Some of you may remember the Unessay from Episode 5. In this podcast, Episode 11, I talk with Dr. Liana Hakobyan in Hispanic Studies about a multimedia research assignment that’s along the same lines with the Unessay but with several prominent differences. Like the Unessay, this digital project allows students to contribute their own art to the project; but unlike the Unessay, Hakobyan’s digital project requires a compilation that must then be posted on a class website. In this sense, the digital project is not as open-ended as the Unessay and keeps the projects slightly more homogenous. Students contribute not just one piece but up to eight media that are then presented in a single post aiming to enhance their reading of a theme, genre, motive, etc. The final contribution is a kaleidoscope of art, reflective writing, and research that pushes out the walls of a textual reading for a fuller experience. If any of you are looking to add a digital, creative research project to next semester’s course, I hope you’ll consider Dr. Hakobyan’s multimedia digital project.


Multimedia Project Assignment Guide


Se Canta el Pasado, by Jordan Esopa


Music from https://filmmusic.io

“The Descent,” “Magistar,” “Verano Sensual,” and “As I Figure” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)

License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


“Se Canta el Pasado” used by permission from Jordan Esopa.


on “Episode 11 – Rethinking the Final Project with Professor Liana Hakobyan
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