Open Data Day 2023

Open Data Day is an annual celebration of open data all over the world. Groups from around the world create local events on the day where they will use open data in their communities. It is an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business, and civil society.

The 2nd Annual Open Data Day program will be held virtually on Friday, March 3rd, from 9:00AM-3:30PM.

There will be presentations that focus on using open data in a variety of ways such as apps, decision support, and storytelling, and there will even be some tutorials!

A draft agenda is available and attendees are welcome to attend any portion of the day’s program.

Students can register for the event here!


MUSC Research Opportunity in the Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology

The MUSC Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology is currently looking for student researchers.

Dr. Naohiro Yamaguchi’s lab in the Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology is looking for a student intern to perform research on calcium signaling.

This project focuses on the regulatory mechanisms of calcium release channels, called ryanodine receptors, and the functional consequence of their dysfunctional activities that leads to human muscle diseases.

Students will be participating in cell biology, molecular biology, and biochemistry experiments including tissue cell cultures, mutant DNA construction and expression, and functional assay for the mutant Ca2+ channel activity. No previous lab experience is necessary as all training will be provided onsite.

Rising Sophomores and Juniors who are interested in conducting their independent research for their Bachelor’s Essay and Honors Immersed are particularly preferred.

Selected students will work 10 hours per week during the semester and more during the summer.

Interested students should contact Dr. Yamaguchi or current Honors College junior Millar Elferdink for more information.

Honors Art Nights promotes Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

February’s Honors Art Night is right around the corner! Join us on February 21st, 4:30-6 PM, in Berry Hall, Room 103.

Make a button supporting a cause of your choosing or UNSDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure and learn about the Honors Student Association.

Additionally, come learn more about the Honors College’s Inclusive Communities Cohort!

All students are welcome!

Please email Dr. Permenter with any questions!

Septima Poinsette Clark Exhibition Celebration

The CofC Commemoration Committee is hosting a celebration for the Septima P. Clark Exhibition Opening on February 23, from 5:00pm to 6:00pm in the Education Center

Septima P. Clark was called the “Mother of the Movement” and the epitome of a “community teacher, intuitive fighter for human rights and leader of her unlettered and disillusioned people”.

Many of the greatest achievements of Charleston native, educator, and activist Septima Poinsette Clark (1898-1987) are associated with sites on and near the CofC campus. Thus, a tour in her honor has been created. The Sites of Inspiration: Septima Poinsette Clark & the Civil Rights Movement, Charleston, SC Tour augments an installation of interpretive panels in the Septima P. Clark Auditorium in the College of Charleston’s Education Center on St. Philip Street.

The entire Honors Community is invited to this celebration of Septima P. Clark’s activism and dedication to the Charleston Community!

Information Taken from the CofC Discovering Our Past Website 

Many of the greatest achievements of Charleston native, educator, and activist Septima Poinsette Clark (1898-1987) are associated with sites on and near the C of C campus. Each story on this tour narrates an era in Clark’s remarkable life and identifies a location where Clark withstood and overcame societal, political, and personal challenges.

Living in a time and place that afforded few rights or opportunities to Black citizens, Clark worked tirelessly to educate Black students, to advocate for Black educators, and to teach adults how to read, write, and become active citizens. She developed a program of “citizenship schools” that enabled Lowcountry residents to vote despite state laws designed to prevent Blacks from voting. With Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights leaders, she established similar schools in communities all over the South, and was often referred to as “the mother of the civil rights movement.”

This tour augments an installation of interpretive panels in the Septima P. Clark Auditorium in the College of Charleston’s Education Center on St. Philip Street.

In 1988, the College named the Auditorium in her honor. A plaque was installed by the auditorium door, but there was no further information about her life and legacy. To fill in this gap, in 2023 the College’s Committee on Commemoration and Landscapes installed an exhibit of museum-style panels on the auditorium walls, where visitors can learn about ten eras in Clark’s long life. This tour contains additional information on each era, commemorating Clark’s ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

To explore places where Septima Clark lived and worked, visit the sites on this tour, virtually or in person. Some of the College’s properties and neighboring buildings look the same as they did in Septima Clark’s lifetime. We can tread the same streets where she walked with her family and her students. We can visit the Avery, where she learned and taught, or Old Bethel United Methodist, where she worshipped. We can pass the site of the Coming Street YWCA, where Black women and allies tackled community problems; we can see where protests occurred on King Street and Rutledge Avenue. We can visit City Hall and Cistern Yard, where Clark was eventually recognized for her leadership.

And in the atrium of the Education Center, beside the Septima Clark Auditorium, we can view a mural by portraitist Natalie Daise, installed in 2023. “Saint Septima with Jasmine” celebrates the power and wisdom of Septima Poinsette Clark and invites us to follow her example.

Wherever we go on this picturesque campus and adjoining neighborhoods, we’re walking in the footsteps of a visionary Black woman who changed her city and her country for the better.


Inheritance: Septima Poinsette Clark's Family, 1850s-1910s

Septima Poinsette was raised by parents who worked tirelessly to make sure their children were educated and successful, despite the obstacles facing Black citizens throughout their lifetimes.
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Education: Septima Poinsette Finds Her Calling, 1912-1919

At the Avery Normal Institute at 125 Bull Street (now called the Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture), Ms. Septima Poinsette studied, taught, and began participating in activism.
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Overcoming: Septima Clark Meets Personal Challenges, 1920-47

Grieving the death of her infant daughter, a young Septima Poinsette Clark came to the Charleston Battery and almost succumbed to despair. Eventually she overcame her grief and weathered other personal challenges in the next two decades, growing more confident and determined.
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Activism : Pay Equalization and Septima Clark's Home, 1929-48

The Clark family lived on this block of Henrietta Street for decades before Clark could afford to buy a house. Living in Columbia, Ms. Clark developed skills as a teacher-activist and participated in the NAACP’s pay equalization campaign. As a result, her salary grew, enabling her to buy her family a home.
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Allies: Crossing the Color Line with Septima Clark, 1947-1956

Black women were leaders at the Coming Street YWCA. After returning to Charleston, Clark tackled community problems, working with Black women’s clubs and white allies who opposed segregation. When fired from her Charleston teaching job for belonging to the NAACP, she became director of workshops for activists at Highlander Folk School in TN.
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Leadership : Septima Clark's Faith Helps Change the Lowcountry, 1954-1964

Inspired by her faith, Clark worked with Bernice Robinson and Esau Jenkins to develop a “citizenship school,” teaching Black adults on Johns Island to read, register to vote, and become active citizens. The program spread across the Lowcountry.
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Courage: Septima Clark Inspires Nonviolent Resistance, 1960-1965

The Kress store in Charleston was one of many sites across the South where activists risked their jobs and their safety by protesting against segregation and registering Black citizens to vote. Many participating in the civil rights movement were inspired by Septima Clark’s citizenship schools.
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Persistence: Septima Clark Combats Poverty and Injustice, 1965-1970

Black hospital workers and their supporters protested unequal treatment at the Medical College on Rutledge Avenue. The Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts were great achievements, but other problems remained. As a staff member for the SCLC, Septima Clark continued to fight racial discrimination and economic inequities.
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Service: Septima Clark's Continuing Influence, 1970-1980s

At Charleston’s City Hall in 1980, Septima Clark, an acknowledged leader in Charleston, swore in Mayor Joseph P. Riley for his second term. Now famous, Septima Clark continued to question the status quo and work for justice, encouraging other activists, especially women and young people, to do likewise.
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Belonging: College of Charleston Honors Septima Clark, 1978-2020s

C of C, which once excluded Black citizens, awarded Clark an honorary doctorate in 1978. It now safeguards her papers at the Avery Research Center. Dr. Clark’s life provides lessons for the College and inspiration for all who work for justice and equity.
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Biography from The Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute at Stanford University.

A pioneer in grassroots citizenship education, Septima Clark was called the “Mother of the Movement” and the epitome of a “community teacher, intuitive fighter for human rights and leader of her unlettered and disillusioned people” (McFadden, “Septima Clark,” 85; King, July 1962). 

The daughter of a laundrywoman and a former slave, Clark was born 3 May 1898 in Charleston, South Carolina. In 1916 she graduated from secondary school and, after passing her teacher’s exam, taught at a black school on Johns Island, just outside of Charleston. For more than 30 years, she taught throughout South Carolina, including 18 years in Columbia and 9 in Charleston. 

Clark pursued her education during summer breaks. In 1937 Clark studied under W. E. B. Du Bois at Atlanta University before eventually earning her BA (1942) from Benedict College in Columbia, and her MA (1946) from Virginia’s Hampton Institute. Clark also worked with the YWCA and participated in a class action lawsuit filed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) that led to pay equity for black and white teachers in South Carolina. In 1956 South Carolina passed a statute that prohibited city and state employees from belonging to civil rights organizations. After 40 years of teaching, Clark’s employment contract was not renewed when she refused to resign from the NAACP. 

By the time of her firing in 1956, Clark had already begun to conduct workshops during her summer vacations at the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tennessee, a grassroots education center dedicated to social justice. Rosa Parks participated in one of Clark’s workshops just months before she helped launch the Montgomery bus boycott. After losing her teaching position, Myles Horton hired Clark full time as Highlander’s director of workshops. Believing that literacy and political empowerment are inextricably linked, Clark taught people basic literacy skills, their rights and duties as U.S. citizens, and how to fill out voter registration forms. 

When the state of Tennessee forced Highlander to close in 1961, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) established the Citizenship Education Program (CEP), modeled on Clark’s citizenship workshops. Clark became SCLC’s director of education and teaching, conducting teacher training and developing curricula. King appreciated Clark’s “expert direction” of the CEP, which he called “the bulwark of SCLC’s program department” (King, 11 August 1965). Although Clark found that most men at SCLC “didn’t respect women too much,” she thought that King “really felt that black women had a place in the movement” (Clark, 25 July 1976; McFadden, “Septima Clark,” 93). 

After retiring from SCLC in 1970, Clark conducted workshops for the American Field Service. In 1975 she was elected to the Charleston, South Carolina, School Board. The following year, the governor of South Carolina reinstated her teacher’s pension after declaring that she had been unjustly terminated in 1956. She was given a Living Legacy Award by President Jimmy Carter in 1979 and published her second memoir, Ready from Within, in 1986.

South Carolina Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting

The South Carolina Academy of Sciences (SCAS) will be having their Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 25, 2023, at MUSC.

The Annual Meeting provides a venue for Graduate and Undergraduate Students (SCAS) to present their research and win scholarships.

Dr. Lori McMahon, MUSC Vice President for Research, will be the Plenary Speaker for the 2023 Annual Meeting.

Abstracts are being accepted until Friday, February 24, 2023, from Undergraduate and Graduate Students for Oral and Poster Presentations.

The deadline to register for the SCAS Annual Meeting is Saturday, March 4, 2023

For more information, please visit here!

Study Abroad in Egypt

Planning a Study Abroad trip? Consider a semester full of pyramids and pharaohs at the American University of Cairo

The American University of Cairo program is supported by a generous scholarship from the School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs; students are strongly encouraged to consider while planning for study abroad.

This exchange program is currently open for the Fall 2023 semester or Fall 2023-Spring 2024 year. 

Funding, up to $7,000 per semester, is available for study in Cairo, Egypt at the American University of Cairo. To apply for funding, see the links in the attached flyer.

Applications are due April 5, 2023.

To learn more about the program, visit the Center of International Education website and review this flyer!

Please contact Melissa Ochal for assistance on CofC exchange programs.

Intro to Eco-Design and Planting for Pollinators

Join the M.A.R.S.H. Project on February 16th at 4:30 for Intro to Eco-Design and Planting for Pollinators.

This event will teach the basics of how you can make your yard an aesthetically pleasing wildlife sanctuary that supports migratory birds & pollinators and  enriches your life!

This event will feature two pros, Sharleen Johnson of Native Plants to the People and Al Mason of Plan’td!

Please RSVP and learn more here!

Climate Change and the Law: Rising Tides Wash Up Legal Issues

Charleston School of Law and Furman University are hosting Climate Change and the Law: Rising Tides and Wash Up Legal Issues on Friday, February 24, 2023, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., at The Charleston Museum.

Featured will be conversations centered around the legality of climate change policy. Panels will include subjects such as; Trends in Climate Litigation, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Flood Management Projects and the Charleston Peninsula Study, Ethical Considerations in Climate Change: Renewable Energy, the Role of the Law Firm in a Changing Climate, and Other Considerations. 

This event is a great opportunity for any student interested in political science, law school, urban development, and sustainability.

Students may learn more & register here!