To support increasing student interest and participation in public service, especially foreign service and/or globally focused civil service internships, awards will be given to students who secure experiential learning opportunities during summer or semester abroad programs.
Students will be given a $3,000-$5,000 internship award for programs that directly relate to public service, with preference for foreign or civil service broadly conceived.
Recipients will be able to apply their work experience to myriad endeavors and will gain a distinguished advantage amongst their peers because of their direct exposure to global issues.
Students will submit an application and be selected by a committee comprised of LCWA faculty. The selection committee will recommend award winners to the Dean of LCWA, who will make the final selections.
All materials must be submitted by the deadline March 15, 2023. Please click here to submit an application!
Deadline: All materials must be submitted by the deadline March 15, 2023.
Required: • 3.0 GPA (includes Overall GPA and Major/Minor GPA)
• In Good Disciplinary Standing
• Evidence of Acceptance/Participation (letter or email acceptable) from the organization/company
Major/Minor: major is open; preference for minor in LCWA
Credits: how many credits, if any, are being earned through the internship and in what subject area
References: the names of two faculty members who are willing to provide recommendations
Essay: one short essay with a brief description of the internship (include the exact name of the company/organization, its duration, and location), a description of how the internship fits in and is important for your career goals, and why this award is critical to your participation in the internship.
Budget: include an estimated budget of expenses related to the internship and the amount needed for your participation (consider items, such as housing and utilities; food; transportation/travel; appropriate work attire)