College’s Faculty Lecture Series Explores Birth Control Research with Honors Faculty Fellow

Birth Control: What Everyone Needs to Know
A Lecture by Dr. Beth Sundstrom
Wednesday, March 16, 12:00 p.m.
Addlestone 227

Join Dr. Beth Sundstrom – associate professor of communication and public health, and director of the Women’s Health Research Team at the College of Charleston – for this Faculty Lecture Series discussion about her recent book co-authored with Cara Delay, “Birth Control: What Everyone Needs to Know.”

She will also discuss the latest research on contraception conducted by the WHRT, such as theory-based formative audience research to inform the development of messages and communication campaigns about moving oral contraceptives over the counter.

This event is free and open to CofC students, faculty, staff and Friends of the Library. For more details, visit the Faculty Lecture Series homepage.

*Bonus: Dr. Sundstrom will be teaching an Honors class next fall focused on this very topic! HONS 260 Applied Women’s Health Research and Advocacy is scheduled to meet Wednesdays from 2:00 – 4:45 p.m. If you’re interested in the class, stop by and watch the lecture!