Freshman’s Goal: Meet Someone New Every Hour

Making friends in a new environment can be intimidating under any circumstances, let alone on a campus with more than 10,000 students.

But what some may see as an intimidating challenge, College of Charleston freshman Rex Bingham sees as an opportunity to push himself outside his comfort zone and to develop interpersonal skills.

“I try to meet at least one new person every hour,” says Bingham, as he waves to a familiar face while sitting outside City Bistro on a recent afternoon. “I just really enjoy meeting new people, simple as that. The more personal connections I make at CofC, the faster and more effectively I can integrate myself into the Charleston community.”

And unlike most resolutions that are abandoned within days, Rex has so far held true to his goal and introduced himself to nearly everyone he’s come into contact with.

Article by Jack Bartlett. Photo by Heather Moran. For more on this story, check out the full article on the College Today!

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