Gilman Scholarship Gives Students Valuable Study Abroad Opportunities
Two College of Charleston students were awarded the nationally competitive, congressionally funded Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, which enables American students to gain ...
Sophia Mucci is Harvesting Knowledge
Passionate and driven, sophomore environmental geosciences major Sophia Mucci hopes to use technology to save crops from climate change. To ...
Scholarship Empowers Students to Learn Differently
Sabine Lang has seen numerous people struggle with dyslexia and come out on top. “Dyslexia is probably one of the ...
Ben Gonzalez Pursues His Dreams in the FinTech Market
Data science continues to be one of the fastest growing industries in the country and one of the most sought-after ...

Gilman Scholarship Gives Students Valuable Study Abroad Opportunities
Two College of Charleston students were awarded the nationally competitive, congressionally funded Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, which enables American students to gain proficiency in diverse languages and cultures. The scholarship program provides the opportunity of studying abroad to students who might not otherwise participate due to financial constraints. Cecilia Trejos ’25 and Honors College student Malaika Affonso ’26 were selected […]

Sophia Mucci is Harvesting Knowledge
Passionate and driven, sophomore environmental geosciences major Sophia Mucci hopes to use technology to save crops from climate change. To get out of the house and do something for the community during the pandemic, Sophia Mucci joined her local Plant a Row for the Hungry garden. The Fort Mill, S.C., high school sophomore wanted to […]

Scholarship Empowers Students to Learn Differently
Sabine Lang has seen numerous people struggle with dyslexia and come out on top. “Dyslexia is probably one of the most misunderstood conditions in our society,” says Lang. “It is not a disability; it’s a learning difference. Many highly successful people are dyslexic so it’s clearly not an academic liability.” Lang created the Sabine Lang […]

Ben Gonzalez Pursues His Dreams in the FinTech Market
Data science continues to be one of the fastest growing industries in the country and one of the most sought-after degrees. The College of Charleston recognized the need and established the first undergraduate data science program in the country. Today, students in the program are consistently graduating with full-time job offers from companies like American […]

Zaria Killingsworth and Anthony Rovinski are Making the Campus and Grounds Crew Healthier
Anyone walking around the College of Charleston campus has seen and heard the Grounds Crew hard at work maintaining and enhancing the beauty of our campus. While the drone of the equipment can be loud, it’s the emissions, which are toxic for humans and the environment, that caused Zaria Killingsworth, a chemistry major and medical […]

Madison Meeks Inspires and Enacts Change on Campus, in STEM and Beyond
Junior biochemistry major Madison Meeks was one of three students selected to ask U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris a question during her visit to the College of Charleston on Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. “The opportunity to meet and witness Vice President Kamala Harris on campus was surreal. To be afforded the opportunity to meet such […]

Tyler Glymph Helps Plan NASA Mission to Dwarf Planet
Planning a NASA mission to land a rover on the dwarf planet Ceres isn’t something a whole lot of people can say they’ve done. But that’s exactly what College of Charleston sophomore Tyler Glymph did during his internship with NASA last summer. A Columbia, South Carolina, native majoring in geology and minoring in astronomy and […]

Jamirika Randall Receives Highly Selective Gates Scholarship
Jamirika Randall is one of the 34,000 students across the country who applied to The Gates Scholarship (TGS), a highly selective scholarship for outstanding minority high school seniors from low-income households. The scholarship provides complete funding for all collegiate expenses not funded by other scholarships to the college of their choice. “The College of Charleston was […]

Sydney Pearson’s Summer Internship Offers Marketable Skills, Launches Careers
On this episode of the Speaking of … College of Charleston podcast, Nick Plasmati ’18, associate director of marketing and academic programs in the College of Charleston Honors College, speaks with Sydney Pearson, a junior Honors student majoring in systems engineering, about her summer internship. Pearson interned as a project manager at the Mercedes-Benz Vans production […]

Internship Gives Savana Kate Schwanda Hands-On Experience
As the South Carolina economy continues grow, so to do the internship opportunities for College of Charleston students. Case in point: Savana Kate Schwanda, an Honors systems engineering major who interned at REI Automation, a company in Columbia, South Carolina, that designs and builds manufacturing automation equipment. “We try to give the intern an experience […]