Just over 3,000 new faces (2,440 freshman and 620 transfers) are on campus getting their start at the College of Charleston this semester. These students come from 42 different U.S. states and 14 different foreign countries.
Among them are five sets of twins, numerous high school valedictorians and plenty of ambitious people bent on making the world a better place in their own, unique ways. Collectively, they are explorers, creators and achievers.
Let’s get to know a few of the College’s newest Cougars, starting with Honors student William William Helfgott.
A native of North Augusta, South Carolina, he’s the founder and CEO of River Bluff Honey, which he established just over three years ago. Helfgott’s honey and honeycomb products are now sold in 35 retail outlets across the region.
A Charleston Fellow in the Honors College (who is also a Swanson Scholar), Helfgott says his beekeeping enterprise triggered an interest in supply chain management. He hopes to double major in that and Spanish, and perhaps get a minor in entrepreneurship.
“I’m a legacy student,” he says, explaining that “my sister attended CofC (Alexandra Helfgott ’19), and my brother Jonathan Helfgott is a senior here now. Through them, I’ve been familiar with the College since before high school. I knew I wanted to enroll here because of all the strong academic programs.”
Aside from shouldering a full academic load, he’s also participating in the Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community, but those commitments aren’t limiting his plans for a social life. Helfgott says he’s very much looking forward to meeting new people and making friends this semester.
“I come from a very small high school with only 25 students in my graduating class, so it’s exciting to be at the College with so many other people starting this year,” he says.
To read more about this story, check out the full article by Dan Dickison at The College Today. Photos provided.
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