Berberè Pizzeria by Maria Shealy

Berberè pizzeria sits on a corner where wide, popular streets meet, as opposed to the narrow, more intimate alleyways that are stereotypical of the U.S.’s idea of Italy. With floor to ceiling windows taking up most of the front, passerby are allowed to see into the space. Painted white concrete walls, stylish wooden accents, and modern light fixtures let you know that it’s a rather new restaurant, but the warm…

Connecting to my Major While Abroad by Cyril Langston

I’m a junior arts management major and there is nothing I’d rather be studying. Museums, theaters, concert venues— I love it all. When I decided on the CofC faculty-led English and communications study abroad program in Florence, Italy for a semester, I got a lot of questions about why I would choose a program that is outside of my major, and I’ll admit that it sounds risky; however, I couldn’t…

Farewell Europe by Kat Adams

Now that are final weeks of being abroad are approaching, I am able to sit and reflect upon the amazing countries I have been able to explore throughout my time in Europe. In the last two weeks, I have been to three different countries, and one for only twenty-four hours. Having a class excursion to Lisbon, Portugal was such a fun time. We were able to go to their famous…

Goodbye France by Sally Ott

It’s hard to believe that my time in France is coming to an end. Exams and language certification tests aren’t far and the US has been on my mind! Thinking back on some of my favorite experiences while studying at La Rochelle, the university’s pop chorus is definitely towards the top of the list. I joined the chorus at the beginning of the semester in hopes to make french friends…

Culture, Customs and Traditions – Adjusting by Laura Wintjen

Studying abroad isn’t always as glamorous as you’d expect. Things don’t just fall into place. People can be rude. People can be kind. Things will be tough, and you will be confused and sometimes you find it impossible to do ordinary things. Also, being the only American in my house of 12 Dutch roommates can be tough. Everyone is always watching what I do, what I eat, and what I’m…

Groningen, Netherlands by Laura Wintjen

My name is Laura Wintjen and I am currently a senior at the College of Charleston. I was recently accepted to study abroad; the program is an exchange with the University of Groningen in Groningen, Netherlands. I chose to study here mainly because they offered the classes I needed as a senior Finance major, but also because the people here speak English incredibly well. The goals I set for myself…

French Way of Life by Ellen Snyder

Over the past 2 months, I have spent a lot of time trying to immerse myself into French culture while living in Paris. I have started to realize that I am absorbing the language every day not just by speaking and taking all my classes in French, but in my everyday actions. Reading street signs and even food labels, listening to people on the metro or on the streets, and…

What I’ve Learned… by Laura Wintjen

Academically, things are very different in the Netherlands. You have much less class and a lot more individual studying. It is not ideal for procrastinators! You have to stay on your toes and keep up with the work. Finance is interesting because it is mostly numbers, so you might think it’s the same around the world, but the currency used is different, interest rates are different, and concepts are called…

Preparing for Trujillo by Olivia Coleman

My name is Olivia Coleman and I am a Senior at the College of Charleston. I ammajoring in Communication and Minoring in Women and Gender Studies. This Fall semester Iam studying in Trujillo, Spain with the College; this program includes courses from theCommunication, Political Science, and Spanish departments. I chose this program because of itswonderful professors and opportunity to delve deeper into my major and minor requirements,since some Communication and…