CRS Staff Spotlighted at Career Center’s Student Employee of the Year Awards
In the neighborhood of 1200 students work for the College of Charleston in quite varied roles. To be nominated for the prestigious Student Employee of the Year award is surely recognition well-deserved! Two CRS employees received a nomination nod this year: Alexis Porfilio and Katherine Karel.

Alexis’ supervisor had these comments to share about why she is a key player in our operation. “She regularly exceeds the expectations we have for our employees and does so without hesitation. She enjoys tremendous respect among our student staff, so much so, that she is entrusted to lead them. Another of the areas in which she excels is in greeting visiting families and the prospective students. Her conversational skills and ability to connect with them provides a meaningful visit for those persons considering attending our school.”

Katherine’s supervisor gushed about what progress and contributions Kat makes to the program. “When I first hired Kat, I was just looking for a good employee who could fill some simple tasks. Not only did she exceed those expectations but she is an amazing example of what our CofC students should be. Aside from staying on top of her studies, she immersed herself in so many new opportunities and activities that the College offers. The net result being we got the better of this relationship because each and every week we end up with a better version of Kat working for us!”

And then there was this surprise of surprises. Bucky Buchanan, most recognized for his role in supervising the George Street Fitness Center and its programming, won for Supervisor of the Year. There are a lot of superlatives that can be said of Bucky: intelligent, hard-working, enthusiastic, caring, and humble. I am sure the students who nominated him found many more to list. At the end of the day, we are just plain fortunate to have him on our team!