Your New Favorite Link

Hello, everyone! We’ve made it. As assumably everyone else in this thread, I am granting you access to my website. So, boom, there you go. You’re welcome.

As you peruse my site, I will draw attention to the marvelous décor. We have five main pages: Home, Essays, Memoranda, Reflections, and Resumé. Home, well, home is quite straightforward; Home includes a headshot, a little bio on myself, and a short piece on studying the humanities. As we stroll on over to Essays, we will find four academic pieces ranging from 7 to 30 pages covering literary research – I plan to add more essays as I edit them…

Anyway! On to the Memoranda! Here I have compiled several short, concise pieces on contemporary global events. The Reflections page displays multiple blog posts which tend to focus on literary topics. I chose to include these pieces, from the essays to the memoranda to the reflections, because, as I looked through my undergraduate work, I found that I was not only proud of them but also that I enjoyed creating them (mostly).

And then, there’s my resumé, which, like the Home page, is quite self-explanatory.

At first, this whole WordPress thing was pissing me off – I tend to not be a very techy guy – but, after fiddling around with it enough I started to get the hang of it. When revising the site, I mainly just messed around with the “blocks” to see cool ways to present my artifacts and shape my pages’ layouts. I also went back to make sure things were organized. Oh, and, not to mention editing the artifacts.

If I had more time, I would probably edit my artifacts more and maybe add some more as well.

Welp, anyway, that’s about it. I hope you like my site and find it pleasing to the eye and mind.

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