Announcing WRP!
In Fall 2018, the English Department is rolling out a new concentration in Writing, Rhetoric, and Publication.
The program has three signatures which I’ll discuss here as commitments:
- a commitment to preparing concentrators to write in and for the public
- a commitment to preparing concentrators to write in print and digital media
- a commitment to the liberal arts tradition of forging new futures through writing and publishing, through reading and interpreting
To that end the English Department is offering five courses in the WRP concentration in Fall 2018:
- Chris Warnick will offer the introductory course, ENGL 225: Intro to Writing Studies, wherein students will have the opportunity to research writing as both process–how it’s made–and as product–what it does. A draft of a syllabus is available here.
- Bonnie Devet will offer a section of ENGL 309: English Language: Grammar & History exploring fundamental concepts about English, focusing on its grammar, dialects, semantic change, and development.
- Bonnie Devet will offer a section of ENGL 334: Technical Writing in which students will gain experience writing and editing workplace genres.
- Poet Laureate of South Carolina, Marjory Wentworth, will be offering a special topics course ENGL 366: Writing for Social Justice, a course informed, in part, by her co-authored book We Are Charleston.
- Jacob Craig will offer a newly-minted course, ENGL 369: Writing for the Web. This section will be focused on digital storytelling–more info on the flyer below.
More information about the WRP concentration to follow in the coming weeks and months.
Should you want to talk about concentrating in Writing, Rhetoric, and Publication, contact Jacob Craig at craig AT cofc DOT edu