Are light reds the hot new items

4 thoughts on “Are light reds the hot new items

  1. The approach the author made about, “2023 would be the Year of the Light Red” is insightful considering I agree that they are easier to drink with food. However, I don’t think this approach is a fundament element of the key to wine pairing/tasting.

  2. I did not know that Americans preferred drinking darker reds to light reds. I do not have a preference there but if I did I would enjoy the ones that are lighter and easier to pair with a meal.

  3. I definitely see the potential of light red wines for being one of the most popular options of the year. Light reds are easy to pair and not too overpowering for meals or even just casual drinking. Additionally, there are a lot of light red options across the wide board of price points, making them accessible to people of all preferences and means.

  4. I am a big fan of light red wines, and it pairs well with a ton of different types of food. You can find light reds that are still so different in texture, smell, and taste…. there is still variety even though it is all categorized as a light red. I think that they are also easy to drink in large amounts which people always like.

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