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Tag Archives: Politics
Connectedness in a Post 9/11 World
This week, we focused on Whitmanian influence in a post 9/11 world, and the complications that ensue when trying to reconcile Whitman’s optimism and ideas of connectedness in an America that seems to have been tarnished and mutated. As many … Continue reading
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Tagged 9/11, America, Billy Collins, Contemporary Poetry, Existential Crisis, Juliana Spahr, Politics, Walt Whitman
America, your melting pot is a black hole
Channeling Anarchy after Whitman Specimen 4: Wishing America never happened I. Anarchy is a stone untapped “First what do we understand under ‘Anarchism’? Anarchism practical, metaphysical, theoretical, mystical, abstractical, individual, social?” Vladimir Nabakov, Pnin “If you meet the Buddha, kill … Continue reading
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Tagged Anarchism, Anarcho-Primitivism, Anarchy, Co-opting, Co-opting Dissent, Contemporary Anarchism, Deep Ecology, Ecology, Indigenous Struggles, Native Americans, Politics, radical, radicalism, W. B. Yeats
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Carl Solomon, who threw potato salad at CCNY lecturers on Dadaism and subsequently presented themselves on the granite steps of the madhouse with shaven heads and harlequin speech of suicide, demanding instantaneous lobotomy.”
I missed “Howl” day. Did anyone wonder who Carl Solomon was? I am not sure who he is. All that I know is that I read a book of small writings he did about his life a few years ago … Continue reading
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Tagged Allen Ginsberg, Carl Solomon, Howl, Politics, Sexuality, Walt Whitman
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“To find me now will cost you everything.”
Channeling Anarchy through Whitman Specimen 1: The Ghost of Whitman In his 1980s poem, “Whitman“, Larry Levis sings the displaced Whitman. By the 80’s The State had taken Whitman and made him “required reading in high schools” only for inhibited … Continue reading