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Author Archives: Kit Fox
Ginsberg, Whitman and the Human Body
So the whole Bukowski plan of action fell through, new topic!!! In my paper I will be discussing the connection the importance of the body in the works of Walt Whitman and Allen Ginsberg. I want to depict the important … Continue reading
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Charles Bukowski and Whitman?
I am having real trouble narrowing down what I want my topic to be (there are so many things. Whitman is so big!). I can’t figure out if I should focus on a certain poet, or if I should concentrate on a specific topic … Continue reading
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Whitman’s beard.
While reading Sherman Alexie’s Defending Walt Whitman could not help but to stop and reread the section that depicted his facial hair, “He is a small man and his beard/is ludicrous on the reservation, absolutely insane./ His beard makes the … Continue reading
O’hara and Whitman–Overlooking the Hudson Together
On the harbor side railing of the World Financial Center Plaza in Lower Manhattan, two of our favorite poets share a view of the Hudson River together. The plaza, designed by artists Siah Armajani and Scott Burton contains two inscriptions … Continue reading
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Battle of Flowers
During our discussion on Tuesday we compared the liliac’s from Whitman’s When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d to Ginsberg’s sunflower from Sunflower Sutra. The lilacs while in the poem are a portrayal for his mourning and the loss he … Continue reading
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William Carlos Williams is Everywhere!
Proletarian Portrait A big young bareheaded woman in an apron Her hair slicked back standing on the street One stockinged foot toeing the sidewalk Her shoe is her hand. Looking intently into it She pulls out the paper insole to … Continue reading
Whitman Says Clean Behind Your Ears
It as been mentioned in class of Whitman’s obsession with the body and physical health–something he later used in his poetry to represent the over all unrest and disruption of the nation. In I Sing the Body Electric specifically he dives into the … Continue reading
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Walt Whitman Looks Impressive In Jeans
I am not a very well read English major. I am a beginner, just starting to dip my big toe into the deep expansive and intimidating pond of literature, and am embarrassingly ignorant to the great multitude of incredible poetry that is … Continue reading