The Google Application Suite consists of myriad tools. Google Drive contains storage space, Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Forms. It also consists of Calendar and great search tools and so much more.
Google Drive: Get your CofC Google Account
Google Drive is similar to an online version of Microsoft Office. It contains a word processing application (Docs), a spreadsheet application (Sheets) and a presentation application (Slides), plus Forms. It allows you to easily share documents with others and do real-time collaboration on a document. This tutorial will get you started withy your CofC official account.
Google Docs: Collaborative Editing
Google Documents (part of the Google Drive suite) is a free, web-based, collaborative word processor offered by Google. With it you can create MS Word-like documents, collaboratively or independently edit those documents and easily share them for viewing or grading.
View the tutorial: Creating and Sharing a Document for Collaborative Editing
Google Docs: Using Google Docs on the iPad
Google Slides: Using Google Forms, Google Sheets & Excel to Collect and Analyze Data
Google Forms is an easy and efficient way for students to create forms/surveys for data collection. Google Forms integrates with Google Sheets (spreadsheet) for data organization and analysis. If you need more in-depth analysis, you can export the spreadsheet to Excel. It all works seamlessly together to make this type of collection and analysis easy to do.
Google Slides: Add images and videos
Google Slides: Create an Infographic
Google Slides: Creating a Pecha Kucha Presentation using Google Slides
Pecha Kucha is a presentation style that consists of 20 slides that each stays on the screen for 20 seconds. It relies on presentation software that automatically advances the slides after 20 seconds. This tutorial demonstrates how to use Google Slides to create a 20 second auto-advancing presentation
Google Forms: Using Choice Eliminator to Make your Google Forms Better
Choice Eliminator, a Google Forms add-on, will eliminate a choice on a form once a specific criteria has been met. This can be used to allow students to sign up for groups or meeting time slots. For example, you want students to sign up for a meeting time. You only want two people to sign up for each meeting time. Using Google Forms and Choice Eliminator, as soon as the second student signs up for a meeting time that time will no longer appear on the list of available slot.
Google Calendar: Appointment slots
The Appointment slots feature lets you set one period of time on your calendar, divided into available time slots for people to reserve. This feature is ONLY available with your CofC Google apps for education account