by Kaitlin | Sep 18, 2014 | Communication, Mobile, Mobile, Organization, Other, Productivity, Social Media
IFTTT, or If This Then That, is an app available for iOS devices through iTunes and Android devices through Google play. The app makes it possible to create connections between services like LinkedIn, Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, Google Drive, Instagram, Evernote, and...
by Mendi Benigni | Apr 7, 2014 | Communication, Immediate Feedback, OAKS, OAKS, OAKS, Productivity
Use the Classlist tool to view who’s enrolled in your course, check users’ online statuses, send email or pager messages, view shared locker files, and read their blogs if they have one. With the Classlist tool faculty can: check online status check...
by Laura Plotts | Jun 10, 2013 | Communication, Content Delivery, Google, Google, Publication, Social Media
CREATING A BLOGGER BLOG To create a Blogger blog through the College, use your Google Apps account to sign in to Blogger at You can also access Blogger through the More menu of Google Apps. If you have questions about your Google Apps account, please...
by Zach Hartje | Apr 24, 2013 | Announcement, Communication, Other is a free, safe messaging service for teachers to communicate with students and parents via text or email. Teachers sign up for an account, create classes or groups, gather subscribers, and start messaging. This is all done without ever sharing their...