Pecha Kucha is a presentation style that consists of 20 slides that each stays on the screen for 20 seconds. It relies on presentation software that automatically advances the slides after 20 seconds. This tutorial demonstrates how to use Google Slides to create a 20 second auto-advancing presentation
- Students delivering in-class presentations
- Google Apps for Education – Google Slides
Video-based tutorial:
thank you
Thank you!
Very big thank you! I’m going to do PechKucha with high school students and we have Chromebooks so no access to PowerPoint. I really needed a way to change the 10 second advance to 20 seconds! You saved me. I thought I might have to have the kids create it in G Slides and then I was going to have to convert each one to PowerPoint on my teacher desktop computer. Thank you for sharing.
Delighted we could assist you and your students! Best of luck with the Pecha Kucha presentations!
Is the 20 seconds saved or does it have to be applied for every presentation. For example, I want to create a blank slide deck for students where all they have to do is create the content. I want the deck to be ready to go once they are finished with their content and not have to worry about setting the time for each student, each time the slide deck is viewed. Thanks for your help!
That’s a great question. Without trying it myself I’m not sure but I’m gonna bet that it has to be done on each presentation since the timing is done via the Publish to Web and then the link is edited.