iMovie – What is it and how can I use it?

Platform – iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad
Tutorial –
Download –


By giving your students projects that allow them to create a new product you open them up to thinking about the information in a new way.  One type of product is to make a video and the program we will use is iMovie for the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch.  Below is a promo for an older version of iMovie but it will give you a gist of what you can do with this product.

Student Uses

  • Public service announcements

  • Storytelling

  • Demonstrations

  • Reenactments

  • Improve speaking and performance

  • Interviews

  • Autobiography/biography

  • Commercial

  • Presentation

  • Research projects

  • Tourism video (hospitality, languages)

Faculty Uses

  • Module introductions

  • Create lectures for flipped instruction