The Sims lab travelled to Chicago in November to the International Society for Neuroscience Conference. We presented on the impact of taVNS on neonatal recovery after hypoxic ischemia…
Welcome to a new school year. The Sims Lab has some new faces! Check them out under lab members! We also have a new lab logo thanks to lab alum Lilly!

The Sims Lab at the CofC Research Expo

STEM Education Day

Society for Neuroscience

SURP Presentations

Article of the Year!
Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
Measuring Exosome Particle Numbers We (pictured is CofC undergraduate student Madelynne Saddow) used Nanoparticle tracking analysis this summer to determine the number of particles within isolated neuronally derived and glial derived exosomes. We measured the number of particles and analyzed for the protein BDNF…