Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates

Microsoft Webinars in May for Students/Faculty/Staff

Are you interested in learning how Microsoft tools can help you? Microsoft has partnered with CofC SB for three webinars in May. For more info and to register, please go to Networking and LinkedIn Using Outlook for Productivity Using Data to Drive Positive Business Solutions

New publication in the Journal of Leisure Research

** From Daniel Guttentag, Assistant Professor, Director of the Office of Tourism Analysis ** The following article was recently accepted and published in the Journal of Leisure Research (an ABDC A journal): Hosting friends and relatives as a catalyst for immigrant participation in touristic leisure The study examined the phenomenon of immigrants hosting friend/family tourists….

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We all need a little #KINDNESS

Marketing Assistant Professor Kelley Anderson, Ph.D., with coauthors Tiegan Bradley & Ashley Hass, Ph.D., argue that kindness is a scarce resource worthy of exchange in marketing systems in a recent publication in Journal of Macromarketing. Concentrating on a novel actor, they conceptualize how influencers spread kindness. By integrating parasocial and construal level theories, they share…

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Management Classes Visit the Ronald McDonald House

Students in Alexis Carrico’s management classes recently visited the Ronald McDonald House to learn how nonprofit management requires many of the business skills our students are learning such as developing and leading strategic planning, marketing, operations, finance, organizational design and accounting. All semester students have been supporting the organization by collecting pop tabs all semester…

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Business students awarded at 2023 NEDSI conference

Two business students were awarded second and third best paper poster at the 2023 Northeast Decision Science Institute (NEDSI) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., this past weekend: Rex Bingham (senior) – 2nd place – paper title: Communication Technology in the Food Supply Chain Sebastiano Ronchi (junior) – 3rd place – paper title: The Information Source…

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City of Charleston Recognizes BOG Member Stuart Williams with Proclamation

Congratulations to Board of Governors member Stuart Williams on having a day named in his honor by the city of Charleston! Williams helped design and still helps mentor our award-winning Impact X class and Charleston’s free community class focused on inclusive Impact entrepreneurship. Both classes allow people to participate in and personally benefit from the…

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Honors Student Publishes Op-Ed in WSJ Student Publication

Honors College student and Market Process Scholar Lucas Moyon (economics, physics and astronomy triple major) recently had an op-ed published in the student opinions section of the Wall Street Journal. He talks about national security relating to the possibility of warfare in space. The topic strongly relates to his senior capstone in Physics and Astronomy…

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Hospitality Course Offers Up Lessons in Authentic Storytelling

The College Today profiled instructor Andrew Nelson’s popular Strategic Narrative in Placemaking class. The course came about in 2019 when Brumby McLeod, an associate professor in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, met Nelson through a mutual connection at Explore Charleston. Continue reading on The College Today.

Angie Passarelli on the Energeia Podcast

Our colleague Angie Passarelli was recently a guest on the Energeia Podcast hosted by Gareth Craze, Ph.D. about the science of coaching. Take a listen below! On YouTube (video/audio) On Spotify (audio)

CofC Students Selected for Exclusive Grad School Prep Program

The Dr. Shawn Long Organizational Science Institute out of UNC Charlotte is a graduate school preparatory program designed to prepare Black, Latinx, and Native American undergraduates for graduate school in the organizational sciences. Jerome Stewart, assistant professor of management, serves as the program’s director. Every year ten students are selected from a nationwide applicant pool…

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Celebrating Our SB Alumna/Faculty: Alexis Heifner Carrico ’03 (INTB/SPAN)

#MaroonMemories From the Archives: By Ron Menchaca |October 26, 2015: Read More Here For Carrico, an Ohio native who competed on the College’s equestrian team and also majored in Spanish, a study abroad trip to Chile was the “hook” that led to her first job out of college. “The company I worked for was Chilean,…

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Lowcountry Citizens’ Summit

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 2023 Lowcountry Citizens’ Summit, scheduled for Saturday, March 25th from 9:45 am to 3:00 pm. The Lowcountry Citizen’s Summit began in 2018 as a way to bring together local community members with College of Charleston students and campus members for timely, meaningful conversations regarding the building…

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Faculty in the News: Thomas Ruppel

Thomas Ruppel speaks to Live 5 News (WCSC-TV) about the shutdowns of Signature Bank and Silicon Valley banks and how they affect local banks and businesses. Lowcountry business feels effects of national bank shut down Thank you, Thomas, for sharing your expertise for this story!

SB #MaroonMemories Melody and Michael Shemtov ’00

In February, 140 SB students heard from Melody and Michael S. Shemtov ’00 in Wells Fargo Auditorium. Michael was the recipient of the 2021 Howard F. Rudd, Jr. Business Person of the Year Award:   #MentoringMatters – Melody and Michael with students in our Impact X room Photo Credits: Dylan Walker After growing up in…

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No Cost REI Coaching

The REI professional development below is free -and may be for great for a school or institutional team from CofC. The spots are filling up quickly. Check out the opportunity below from the USC Race and Equity Center: Great for faculty who may be interested in teaching REI courses. Apply Here for Free Coaching…

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Center for Public Choice and Market Process hosts Regional Reading Group

The Center for Public Choice and Market Process recently hosted a Regional Reading Group with students and faculty from CofC, NC State, Coastal Carolina, and Clemson. The group is reading The Clash of Economic Ideas, and the author Larry White spoke with students and then spent the next day discussing the book. This is the…

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CofC and School of Business Alumni Networks

Lancie Affonso ’96 -on behalf of our CofC Alumni Association Stay Informed Committee:) We are fortunate to have terrific School of Business Alumni who return to our classes to speak to, inspire, mentor, and hire our students. If you are interested in having a CofC Alumni speak to your class or student group please let…

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SB Maroon Memories: Dave Marongwe ’09 (ACCT)

#MaroonMemories and Mentoring: We were delighted to welcome Dave Marongwe, CPA ’09 (ACCT) back to campus on Friday, Feb 24, 2023. Dave is the CFO European Imports – Sysco Corporation and spoke to our International Management and MSPS students about ESG and DE&I initiatives. Bio: Finance executive with extensive experience in Fortune 100, Private Equity…

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Introducing the Service Leadership Scholars!

** From Jeremy Clement, Senior Instructor | Internship Coordinator | Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management; Director | Schottland Scholars Program ** The Service Leadership Scholars is a new, HTMT-focused leadership development program for Junior (or higher) Hospitality & Tourism Management Majors, Minors or Concentrations.  The scholarship provides a 1-semester experiential development and educational enhancement…

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Food Security Summit

The College of Charleston’s Office of the President and Provost, and the Schools of Humanities and Social Sciences, Languages, Cultures and World Affairs, and the Mroz Global Leadership Institute will be co-sponsoring a summit on Food Security: Local to Global. Hunger is a global challenge and it reaches right into our own backyards. Come join…

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