Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates

Kindness + Math

The AACSB Deans Conference never disappoints, and this one was particularly special thanks to receiving confirmation of a Board vote to reaffirm our accreditation. This doesn’t happen because of any one thing but because of the extraordinary things we each choose to do each and every day. Of course, it’s a continuous improvement process, so…

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Innovation in Business Education

Recently, I became a member of the AACSB Innovation Committee. The invitation speaks to the reputation of our School. It’s opportunities like this that make AACSB a special group. It’s an association focused on helping each member achieve its unique mission while leveraging the collective knowledge of the whole. We already had a virtual kickoff…

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Snow Day

Remmy and Millie (pictured above) sure enjoyed the snow. It brought new experiences and new noises around the neighborhood. It was a nice change for me, but I had work that needed to get done, which took me out of my routine. For years, I have realized the value of a personal routine and an…

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Learning Mindset

Our friend, Craig Van Slyke, had a recent Substack post about which I can’t stop thinking. Beyond Grades: Transitioning from Transactional Education While it’s part of his AI Goes to College work, AI is just a tiny part of the article. While the title mentions transitional education, developing a learning mindset is the actual value….

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Living Our Values

I feel most inspired when we do good work together to live out our core values—pursuing purpose, investing in relationships, and focusing on outcomes. This week, I saw these values come to life in the most extraordinary way through our EMBA program. The first residency week of the EMBA program was nothing short of transformative….

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2024 In Rearview

Well, it’s officially 2025, and 2024 is in the books. Once again, we did an annual report highlighting your excellent work. Erika and I had a goal that, this year, would be a printed piece that we could mail at year-end, and we are happy to report that we accomplished that goal. Print is a…

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This Post Left Intentionally Blank

I sincerely hope you are enjoying your holiday break! Ponder this with me …

Happy Holidays!

The semester has flown by. We accomplished a lot, and we should be proud of the way we have moved our School forward – together. 2025 promises to be another busy year, but for now, I wish you Happy Holidays and safe travels – if you are traveling. Make some great memories. YOU make a…

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The Difference YOU Make

Every day, I see first-hand the difference you make. But, in my opinion, it’s most visible at graduation. Graduating from the College of Charleston School of Business is a transformative journey, and at the heart of this pivotal moment is you. Your commitment to excellence and each student’s success profoundly shapes our graduates’ future. This…

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Sustainable & Leverage

So, what do those two words have to do with alligators? If you are like me, at this point in the year, you are so up to your neck in alligators that you sometimes forget why you are doing what you are doing. Reminding ourselves of the purpose of our work is so important. But…

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Happy Thanksgiving!

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate this season of gratitude, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your dedication, hard work, and passion which makes our community thrive. May your Thanksgiving be filled with joy, warmth, and wonderful memories. Wishing you all a happy and restful holiday! YOU make a difference!…

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Easier To Get In?

Is it easier now to get into college? At a recent Provost/Deans Meeting, John White, Dean of Libraries, shared an article from the Washington Post. According to Copilot 😉: “The article discusses how it is becoming easier to gain admission to many colleges in the United States. This trend is attributed to several factors, including…

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AI Already

Enough already. Earlier this week, I was at the Southern Business Deans Annual Meeting, and it seemed like it was all AI all the time.  Now, I’m a tech guy, so it was stimulating conversation, but it occurred to me that there’s a lot of talk about AI, and what we need is more action….

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Next Week – Homecoming

The College has a new tradition – Homecoming. It’s a vibrant celebration of community, connection, and Cougar pride. This soon-to-be annual event is a unique opportunity for us to bring together alums, students, faculty, and friends in a series of meaningful activities. Here’s what we have to look forward to. Reconnecting and Networking One of…

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Reasons to Smile

Does busyness make you smile? It doesn’t work for me. But for some reason, this week, it did. As I mentioned in my AACSB update email, it’s been a busy couple of weeks. Women For Women was an incredible event that invested in women and honored Mary Thornley, who had a tremendous impact on education…

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Great Outcomes

Part of Monday’s FAC meeting focused on our upcoming AACSB visit. I was talking about the obstacles we’ve faced the last five years, and several members (Roxane, Frank, & Steve in particular) called me out (that’s what I like about this group). They reminded me that despite the challenges, the School of Business Team has…

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Thanks, Entrepreneurship, & AACSB

First, thank you for the many words of encouragement and support as Christine and I cope with the loss of our dear friend Nancy. We are trying to focus on our 20+ years of great friendship, which reminds us that we need to enjoy today and that we are blessed to work with great people….

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This week, I finished up the P3-EDU Fellowship program. It was an excellent opportunity to learn from innovators in the space. Charleston is uniquely positioned to be successful with public-private partnerships (P3). We have a vibrant business community eager to collaborate to drive innovation and economic growth. The School has a strong track record of…

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We… Focus on Outcomes

Previously, we explored the values “We… Pursue Purpose” and “We… Invest in Relationships.” The last proposed School value is “We… Focus on Outcomes,” which emphasizes prioritizing transformational results and challenging the status quo. This principle is vital to our success and to promoting a culture of continuous improvement that benefits both individuals and the School…

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We … Invest in Relationships

Last week, we explored our first proposed value, “We… Pursue Purpose.” This week, the value of “We … Invest in Relationships” cannot be overstated. Strong, respectful, and collaborative relationships are at the heart of any successful organization. Here’s why this value is crucial: Building Trust and Respect Investing in relationships fosters an environment of trust…

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