Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates



In my 1:1 with Ron this week, we were getting towards the end of the meeting, and he said, “Are you okay with me giving you some feedback?” I said indeed, and he pointed out an area where I could improve. He did it nicely, with respect and also some encouragement. He was right, and it’s an area that has been neglected in all my busyness. I am thankful he thinks enough of me to share ways I can improve. We all work hard every day, so there are things that slip through the cracks. Things we can do better. Sometimes, we see them, but sometimes, it takes some feedback from someone else to bring it to the forefront.

Ron’s feedback to me was formative, not punitive.

This is the time of year for feedback. You are working hard to give quality feedback to students and get your grades submitted on time. And it’s annual review time and then there will be administrative surveys as well. It’s a busy time, but Ron’s feedback will help me do better. The feedback provided to students allows them to do better, and the feedback from annual reviews/administrative surveys allows us to do better.

If we focus on formative feedback for the right reasons, we create a culture that values continuous improvement and is founded on respect and encouragement. That’s critical to a healthy organization.

YOU make a difference!

Paul • February 29, 2024

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  1. Kristen February 29, 2024 - 12:32 pm Reply

    Appreciate you sharing this story, it’s a great reminder for all of us to encourage feedback from others about ourselves, we can always rise higher and be even better people each and every day, especially with input from those around us.

  2. Garth March 1, 2024 - 8:53 am Reply

    I, too, appreciate this story, and think of the saying, “feedback is a “gift”, if “presented” properly. This simple pun reminds me of the importance of learning “how” to give feedback so it is received positively and has it’s intended effect of conveying that you care.

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