Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates


Words Matter

Cultured Confidence – have you heard those words before? How about these:

There is a depth and balance to life’s experiences that you get from learning in a place that approaches business a little differently. A thoughtful polish, personality, and a true appreciation for relationships. It’s the embedding of a personal responsibility and power into our students helping them find their confidence to lead from a place of purpose and vision. And it’s a development of confidence – in our academic philosophy, in the belief that pursuing that purpose in addition to profit makes business better, and in the potential of all businesses to think differently and take risks in a world too driven by routine and tradition.

Every time I read that paragraph, I think, “That’s pretty good. It gets at what makes the Charleston School of Business special.”

That paragraph is the “Brand Purpose” that was central to the Branding Study undertaken by One Sixty/Ninety before and during COVID-19. I was given a copy of the study shortly after my arrival and have received numerous questions about it. In my previous role, I had indirect experience with One Sixty/Ninety as they developed the branding for ECU’s capital campaign, which has exceeded expectations ($500+ million). 160/90 does outstanding work, and they understand that words matter – culture matters.

You know, I like things that are clear and memorable – CARE, FACE, etc. And it’s essential that we are all on the same page. Now that I’ve been here a year and have a better understanding of what makes the Charleston School of Business unique, I’d like for us to engage in conversations that get us on the same page.

Over the last few months, I’ve been talking with Esta Shah about the branding study, and she has also had conversations with members of our Board of Governors who commissioned the study. To make sure we get this right, she has agreed to facilitate the listening sessions and conversations we need to move forward. Over the next few weeks, she will share her plan with us, and we will work the plan over the next few months. The goal is to have a branding strategy we agree on and, more importantly, we can see ourselves in.

Esta shares my passion for a solid, positive culture.

YOU make a difference.

Ponder this…

Paul • November 9, 2023

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  1. Peter Calcagno November 13, 2023 - 11:36 am Reply

    Is this part of the current branding study? This phrase is unfamiliar to me and to my knowledge was not shared with us. I like that you are now suggesting we be part of this process.

  2. Paul November 15, 2023 - 3:31 pm Reply

    Pete, it is. There’s some good stuff there, and we will have some good conversations.

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