Philosophy Grad Joseph Saei (’10) Discovers International Law, Human Rights

Joseph (Yusuf) Saei ’10 fully leveraged his opportunities at the College of Charleston. Among other accomplishments, this philosophy major (with minors in French and communication) served internships in the arts world in New York City, won a grant to study abroad in Cairo, Egypt, published two essays in the College’s research journal Chrestomathy, and received the institution’s highest honor upon graduation — the Bishop Robert Smith Award. Since then, he has studied Arabic in Morocco as a Rotary Ambassador Scholar, served two years in the Peace Corps as a youth development volunteer (also in Morocco), and subsequently enrolled in Yale Law School. Joseph says that he’s drawn to international law because it’s a new and rapidly evolving discipline within the field of law. But he also professes an interest in finding effective and lasting ways of addressing social justice on a global scale.