


Todd Grantham gave a paper on “Integration from a Philosophical Perspective: Past and Present” at the Integration in Biology and Biomedicine Workshop hosted by the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, May 3.


Sheridan Hough gave a paper entitled “Life’s ‘Luminous Halo’: Virginia Woolf’s Fictive Depiction of Consciousness” at the Toward a Science of Consciousness Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 13.

Christian Coseru gave a paper on “How Thoughts Feel: The Cross-Modality of Cognitive Phenomenology” at the Toward a Science of Consciousness Conference, Tucson, April 14.

Richard Nunan gave a paper on “The Crying Game: Deceptive Transsexuals in Film Criticism” at the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, Seattle, April 7.


  • Christian Coseru gave a paper on “Are Reasons Causally Relevant for Action? Dharmakīrti’s Kāryānumāna Argument and the Embodied Cognition Paradigm,” at the American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, Chicago, February 16, 2012..



  • Christian Coseru will be giving a paper on “How Embodiment Shapes Consciousness and Cognition,” at the Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, December 28.
  • Christian Coseru will be giving a talk, “Reflexivity Without a Self: How do Buddhists Explain Consciousness?” in the Philosophy Department at Colgate University, 
Thursday, Dec. 1, 4:15pm, in Hascall 202.


  • Sheridan Hough will be giving a talk, “Grooves, Moves, and Mozartian Darks,” at the American Academy of Religion annual meeting in San Francisco, Saturday, November 20.
  • Sheridan Hough will be giving a talk, “What is a “Good and Perfect Gift” and How Can We (Faithfully) Know It,” at the American Academy of Religion annual meeting in San Francisco, Sunday, November 21.
  • Christian Coseru will be giving a talk, “A Buddhist Phenomenological Account of Intentional Objects: Vasubandhu and Dignāga on artha-pratibhāsa,” American Academy of Religion, Yogācāra Studies Consultation, Theme: Analyzing Vasubandhu’s Twenty Verses (Viṃśatikā): Causes, Objects, Appearances, Aspects, San Francisco, November 19, 2011.


  • Sheridan Hough will be giving a talk, “Kierkegaard’s Dancing Tax Collector: Faith, Finitude, and Silence,” in the Department of Philosophy at Colgate University, Thursday, October 27.
  • Ned Hettinger will be giving a paper on “Evaluating Positive Aesthetics” at the Annual Meetings of the American Society for Aesthetics in Tampa, Florida, October 2011.
  • Christian Coseru will be giving a talk. “”Practical Reason and the Spontaneity of Compassion” at the Contemporary Perspectives on Buddhist Ethics Conference to be held at Columbia University, New York City, October 6-7.
  • Jonathan Neufeld will be giving a talk, “Feeling Critically: Aesthetic Education and the Musical Public” at the Towards a Contemporary Aesthetic Education conference at Tilburg University in the Netherlands


  • Todd Grantham will be presenting a paper, “Integration as a regulative ideal? Integrative pluralism and the path to the double helix” on Saturday, 9/24/2011 at the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science’s Workshop “Integration in contemporary biology: philosophical perspectives on the dynamics of interdisciplinarity”.


  • Christian Coseru gave a talk on “Reasons and Causes: A Naturalized Account of Dharmakīrti’s Kāryānumāna Argument”, at the XVIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan, June 2011
  • Sheridan Hough gave a talk entitled “Would Sartre Have Suffered From Nausea if He Had Understood the Buddhist No-Self Doctrine?” at the XVIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taipei, Taiwan, June 27, 2011.


  • Richard Nunan will be giving a talk at the Pacific Division Meeting of the APA, in San Diego on “Memento as an Aristotelian Conception of Personal Identity.”
  • Larry Krasnoff received a $25,000 award from the National Endowment for the Humanities to support the development of a course “What is the Rule of Law” to be offered as a first-year seminar in the Fall of 2011.


  • Whit Schonbein gave a presentation at the SSPP in New Orleans on March the 10th, on “How Radical is Too Radical? Chemero’s Epistemological Arguments Against Mental Representation”.
  • Jennifer Baker will be giving a joint presentation (with Jen Wright, also of the College of Charleston, Department of Psychology) on “Operationalizing Virtue” on March 26 at the M.E.R.G.(Metro Experimental Research Group), at the CUNY, Graduate Centre, in New York.


  • Jennifer Baker appeared on the national Peabody Award-winning radio show “To the Best of Our Knowledge” on January 23, 2011 to talk about her recent essay “Procrastination as Vice.”



  • Christian Coseru gave a talk at The Columbia Society for Comparative Philosophy in New York, entitled “Taking the Intentionality of Perception Seriously: Why Phenomenology is Inescapable”(December 10).
  • Jennifer Baker gave a talk at the Eastern Division Meeting of the APA in Boston, entitled “The Market as Ethical Norm” (December 28).
  • Christian Coseru gave a talk at the Eastern Division Meeting of the APA in Boston, entitled“Buddhist Philosophy and Discourse Analysis” (December 29).



  • Sheridan Hough was at Smith College, to give the first lecture  in the Philosophy Department’s 2010-2011 Lecture Series on: “How to Do Things With Texts: Interpretation, Translation and Hermeneutic Theory”. The title of her talk was “Kierkegaard’s Dancing Tax Collector: Faith, Finitude and Silence.”
  • Sheridan Hough has been offered the NEH Professorship of the Humanities Chair at Colgate University. She will be teaching in the Philosophy Department at Colgate University in the Fall 2011.

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