Prof. Nadelhoffer publishes paper in the Journal of Positive Psychology
Thomas Nadelhoffer has published an article (co-authored with Prof. Jen Wright and students Tyler Perini, Amy Langville, Matthew Echols, & Kelly Venezia) “The Psychological Significance of Humility” in The Journal of Positive Psychology, 12(1): 3-12
Prof. Baker Published in Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics
Professor Jennifer Baker’s article A Place at the Table: Low Wage Workers and the Bourgeois Deal was published in the EJPE (Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics.
Profs. Baker & Hough Published in “Philosophy and Breaking Bad”
Professors Jennifer Baker and Sheridan Hough each have chapters in the recently-published book Philosophy and Breaking Bad.
Prof. McKinnon participated in an interview and podcast “Trump and the Age of Ignorance”
Prof. Coseru to deliver the keynote address at the “Buddhism and Phenomenology” Conference, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, November 7, 2016
Prof. Coseru will be delivering the keynote address to the first “Buddhism and Phenomenology” Conference, at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, November 7, 2016
Prof. Coseru to give an invited talk at the Ronald E Moore Symposium, at Texas Christian University
Prof. Coseru will be giving an invited talk on “Does Altruism Make Us All Too Human?” at the Ronald E Moore Symposium “What Makes Us Human,” Texas Christian University, Forth Worth, November 5, 2016.
Prof. Hough’s OUPblog post one of most read Oxford University Press blogs of 2015.
Prof. Hough’s blog post promoting her book Kierkegaard’s Dancing Tax Collector: Faith, Finitude, and Silence was one of the most-read Oxford University Press blogs of 2015.
Prof. Neufeld invited to speak at Furman University
Jonathan A. Neufeld will be giving an invited talk at Furman University on September 29. The topic is “Iconoclasm and Aesthetic Civil Disobedience.”
Prof. Hough to give an invited talk at the University of California, Berkeley
Prof. Hough will be giving an invited talk on “Kierkegaard and Modernism” to the University of California, Berkeley, September 15, 2016.