Category Archives: focus on faculty

Prof. Nadelhoffer publishes a new book chapter and article

Prof. Thomas Nadelhoffer’s two most recent publications have appeared in print.

The book chapter: Nadelhoffer, T. (2014). “Dualism, Libertarianism, and Scientific Skepticism about Free Will.” In W. Sinnott-Armstrong (Ed.), Moral Psychology: Neuroscience, Free Will, and Responsibility (Vol. 4). MIT Press: 209-216.

The article: Nadelhoffer, T., Shepard, J., Nahmias, E., Sripada, C., & Ross, L. (2014). “The Free Will Inventory: Measuring Beliefs about Agency and Responsibility.” Consciousness and Cognition, Vol. 25: 27-41.

Christian Coseru and Sheridan Hough will serve as Participants-at-Large at the “Mind and Attention in Indian Philosophy” seminar, Harvard University

Christian Coseru and Sheridan Hough will serve as Participants-at-Large at the “Mind and Attention in Indian Philosophy” seminar at Harvard University, Sept 20-21, 2013. The event is sponsored by the Harvard Provostial Fund for Arts and Humanities, Harvard South Asian Studies, the Center for the Study of Mind and Nature in Oslo, and the Network for Sensory Research, Canada.

Conference Program

Prof. Hettinger Presenting Keynote Address for the 10th International Summer Conference on Environmental Aesthetics – Values in the Environment: Relations & Conflicts

Prof. Ned Hettinger will be presenting a keynote address, “Prospects for Aesthetic Preservationism” for the 10th International Summer Conference on Environmental Aesthetics on “Values in the Environment: Relations and Conflicts“.  The conference is sponsored by the International Institute of Applied Aesthetics in Lahti, Finland.

Prof. Nadelhoffer & Prof. Wright (Psychology) Awarded Grant for their project “Humility, Conviction, and Disagreement in Morality: An Interdisciplinary Investigation”

Congratulation to Professors Thomas Nadelhoffer and Jennifer Wright (Psychology) who have been awarded a $245,000 grant from the Templeton Foundation for their project “Humility, Conviction, and Disagreement in Morality: An Interdisciplinary Investigation”.

A summary of their project can be found here.