Prof. Ned Hettinger will be presenting a keynote address, “Prospects for Aesthetic Preservationism” for the 10th International Summer Conference on Environmental Aesthetics on “Values in the Environment: Relations and Conflicts“. The conference is sponsored by the International Institute of Applied Aesthetics in Lahti, Finland.
Category Archives: news
Prof. Nadelhoffer & Prof. Wright (Psychology) Awarded Grant for their project “Humility, Conviction, and Disagreement in Morality: An Interdisciplinary Investigation”
Congratulation to Professors Thomas Nadelhoffer and Jennifer Wright (Psychology) who have been awarded a $245,000 grant from the Templeton Foundation for their project “Humility, Conviction, and Disagreement in Morality: An Interdisciplinary Investigation”.
A summary of their project can be found here.
Baker Sabbatical Lecture 4/16: Virtue Ethics & Market Behavior
4/11 Lecture: Michael Gill, “Moral Pluralism”
3/21 Lecture: Dan Arnold, “What Nāgārjuna Really Has at Stake in Refuting Motion: Thoughts on Action as a Person-level Phenomenon”
Prof. Neufeld Presenting at Cornell Law School’s Law & Humanities Colloquium.
Jonathan Neufeld was invited to give a talk at Cornell Law School’s Law and Humanities Colloquium on March 14, 2013
Prof. Hough Presenting at Central APA
Prof. Sheridan Hough will be chairing a session on Nietzsche, Moral Psychology, and Empirical Psychology and presenting commentary on the paper, “Stories and Their Place in Theories” at the Central meeting of the American Philosophical Association February 21 – 24 in New Orleans.
Prof. Coseru Presenting at Central APA
Prof. Christian Coseru will be presenting two papers, “Presence & Temporality: A Buddhist Approach to Phenomenal Consciousness” and “Reflexivity and the First-Person Stance: Coming to Terms with Phenomenal Consciounesss” at the Central meeting of the American Philosophical Association February 21 – 24 in New Orleans.
Prof. Baker Presenting at Social Philosophy and Policy Conference
Prof. Jennifer Baker will be presenting “Four Shortcuts to Virtue that Won’t Get You There” at the Social Philosophy and Policy Conference, University of Arizona, Jan 11th through 13th.
Prof. Baker Presenting at Eastern APA Meetings
Prof. Jennifer Baker presented “Stoic Economics” at the Group Session for the American Association for the Philosophic Study of Society, Easterm American Philosophical Association meetings in Atlanta, GA on December 28th.