Christian Coseru and Sheridan Hough will serve as Participants-at-Large at the “Mind and Attention in Indian Philosophy” seminar at Harvard University, Sept 20-21, 2013. The event is sponsored by the Harvard Provostial Fund for Arts and Humanities, Harvard South Asian Studies, the Center for the Study of Mind and Nature in Oslo, and the Network for Sensory Research, Canada.
Category Archives: conferences
Prof. Hettinger Presenting Keynote Address for the 10th International Summer Conference on Environmental Aesthetics – Values in the Environment: Relations & Conflicts
Prof. Ned Hettinger will be presenting a keynote address, “Prospects for Aesthetic Preservationism” for the 10th International Summer Conference on Environmental Aesthetics on “Values in the Environment: Relations and Conflicts“. The conference is sponsored by the International Institute of Applied Aesthetics in Lahti, Finland.
Prof. Hough Presenting at Central APA
Prof. Sheridan Hough will be chairing a session on Nietzsche, Moral Psychology, and Empirical Psychology and presenting commentary on the paper, “Stories and Their Place in Theories” at the Central meeting of the American Philosophical Association February 21 – 24 in New Orleans.
Prof. Coseru Presenting at Central APA
Prof. Christian Coseru will be presenting two papers, “Presence & Temporality: A Buddhist Approach to Phenomenal Consciousness” and “Reflexivity and the First-Person Stance: Coming to Terms with Phenomenal Consciounesss” at the Central meeting of the American Philosophical Association February 21 – 24 in New Orleans.
Faculty Panel: “Animal Neuroethics and the Problem of Other Minds”
Please join us on Thursday, September 20th 2012 from 3:30 – 5:00pm in Robert Scott Smalls Room 235 for a panel discussion of leading neuroscientist Martha Farah’s provocative article, “Animal Neuroethics and the Problem of Other Minds” Thomas Nadelhoffer (philosophy) will be leading the discussion with a presentation of Farah’s argument that advances in neuroscience hold out the promise to shed new light on the debate about animal minds. This will be followed by commentary from Chad Galuska (psychology), Dan Greenberg (psychology), and Melissa Hughes (biology). The key question that will be addressed is whether neuroscience gives us qualitatively new access to the mental lives of non-human animals. If not, why not? If so, what effects might this have on animal ethics?
The article can be found at
Aesthetics in Participatory, Socially Engaged Art
The Philosophy Department and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences present
“Aesthetics in Participatory, Socially Engaged Art”
Michael Kelly, Professor of Philosophy, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Contemporary art is increasingly participatory and socially engaged. What are the aspirations, operations, and effects of such art? What are its predecessors? How has aesthetics been an explicit partner in the development of participatory art when, by contrast, so much art since the 1960s has been committed to an anti-aesthetic stance? Is art still tied to aesthetics as it becomes ever more socially engaged?
Thursday, April 12, 3:15PM
Tate Center 202,
Reception to follow
For further information contact Professor Jonathan Neufeld, Department of Philosophy:
Sabbatical Lecture: Austere Affections
Please join the Department of Philosophy for Prof. Glenn Lesses’ sabbatical talk “Austere Affections” on Thursday, 3/29/12 at 3:15 p.m. in Room 113 of the Education Center.
Music Project Co-Founded by Prof. Jonathan Neufeld Received a Grammy Nomination
Jonathan Neufeld and Jennifer C. Lena (Sociology, Barnard) founded the “Music, Authority, and Community” project that commissioned a new musical work by Guggenheim award winning composer Gabriela Lena Frank. The piece, Hilos, was premiered and recorded in Nashville by the Alias Chamber Ensemble in 2010. The CD, released by Naxos in February 2011, was nominated for a Grammy Award on November 30. For a newspaper article about the project, click here: Congratulations to the project participants!
Professor Hettinger Presenting Paper at the Annual Meetings of the American Society for Aesthetics
Professor Ned Hettinger will be presenting a paper on “Evaluating Positive Aesthetics” at the Annual Meetings of the American Society for Aesthetics in Tampa, Florida, October 2011.
Professor Grantham Presents Paper at Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science
Professor Todd Grantham will be presenting a paper, “Integration as a regulative ideal? Integrative pluralism and the path to the double helix” on Saturday, 9/24/2011 at the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science’s Workshop “Integration in contemporary biology: philosophical perspectives on the dynamics of interdisciplinarity”.