Author Archives: Kate Kenney-Newhard

Prof. Hettinger Presenting Keynote Address for the 10th International Summer Conference on Environmental Aesthetics – Values in the Environment: Relations & Conflicts

Prof. Ned Hettinger will be presenting a keynote address, “Prospects for Aesthetic Preservationism” for the 10th International Summer Conference on Environmental Aesthetics on “Values in the Environment: Relations and Conflicts“.  The conference is sponsored by the International Institute of Applied Aesthetics in Lahti, Finland.

Prof. Nadelhoffer & Prof. Wright (Psychology) Awarded Grant for their project “Humility, Conviction, and Disagreement in Morality: An Interdisciplinary Investigation”

Congratulation to Professors Thomas Nadelhoffer and Jennifer Wright (Psychology) who have been awarded a $245,000 grant from the Templeton Foundation for their project “Humility, Conviction, and Disagreement in Morality: An Interdisciplinary Investigation”.

A summary of their project can be found here.