Category Archives: Creative

Striving to Imitate/Innovate

I realize now that when you write a poem in a calligram form in microsoft word and then try and copy/paste that poem into a blog post things don’t go so smoothly. Well this blog post is meant to be … Continue reading

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Reasons to Live: A Modernist Collage

Jeffrey Pethybridge’s Striven, The Bright Treatise does something so many modernists have done before him: provide a reason for living created from the ghosts of the dead. Whether the things dead are people, tradition, symbols, the environment, poetic forms or culture, … Continue reading

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Unsettling Femininity: An Imitation of Mullen’s Prose Poem

For this imitation, I wanted to capture Mullen’s ability to contrast a simple image with an unsettling or controversial topic, especially in regard to female sexuality and the effects of commercialism. In one of her poems from Trimmings, which begins “Becoming, … Continue reading

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Imitation of Mullen’s Prose Poetry Style

I decided to try my hand at an imitation of Mullen’s social-commentary-infused and linguistically rich prose poetry. With her heavy use of alliteration, rolling rhythms, dynamic turns, and subtle, insightful humor, I found Mullen’s poetry fascinating and wanted to try … Continue reading

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Why I Don’t Like Puns: Response to Haryette Mullen’s Recylcopedia

When I think of puns I immediately think of a socially inept individual who knows no other way to break the ice during an event with strangers other than to suddenly exclaim, “You know what the worst part about these … Continue reading

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Imitation of Hughes’ “Dream Boogie: Variation”

Nonstop Rabble Nonstop rabble,                                                                         … Continue reading

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“Scene with no Subject”: an imitation of “Landscape With the Fall of Icarus”

I attempted an imitation of Williams’s “Landscape With the Fall of Icarus” with an ekphrastic poem of my own that mimics Williams’s style and tone. I’ve used a piece of modern art by Kandinsky entitled “Reiter (Lyrishes)” to write of. … Continue reading

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A Table for a Wallydrag

During this imitation of Wallace Stevens’ poem “The Planet on the Table” I began to toy with the antithesis of the character Stevens created.  His speaker is writing the poem of the world and is one with the sun; my … Continue reading

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“Stevens, 2014”

The following poem is a response to Wallace Steven’s poem “Mozart, 1935.” It also incorporates Stevens’ decision to substitute religion and God with poetry and poet, hence the quote at the beginning of the response poem from the Adagia. In … Continue reading

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Political Talk in the Words of William Butler Yeats

William Yeats was known as an avid poet and figure in the political world. His poem called “Politics”, published in 1939 scopes into political issues such as the Spanish Civil War, World War II and it was the time before … Continue reading

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