Final Thoughts for the 2015-2016 Academic Year

The end of every semester is always a great time to engage in self reflection about your classes and projects. What could you have done differently?  What have you learned, both personally and academically? The end of every spring semester seems to have more weight to it however, as it not only signals the end…

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Welcome to the 2016 Spring Semester!

    Welcome to 2016! Even though we get this fresh start in the dead of winter, the new year always provides a “spring-like” feel with all of the adventure and opportunity that awaits. It’s a time for reflection on the past year and contemplating what could have been done differently, but also a time…

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Welcome to the 2015-2016 MCOM Academic Year!

I wanted to give a very warm welcome to the MCOM Graduate students. Second Years – it’s great to have you back! First Years – welcome to the program! I’d like to start off by introducing myself. My name is Stephenie Snow, and I’m a member of the 2015-2016 Cohort. I’m an MCOM Graduate Assistant working…

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