The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi: Seeking Magazine Editor

With Who:  The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (Headquarters)

Location:  Baton Rouge, LA

Type of Employment:  Full-time

Position Summary:  

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi seeks a creative and innovative editor for its general-interest magazine, Phi Kappa Phi Forum. Candidates must have demonstrated skills in magazine production, editing, writing, and developing editorial content. The editor will oversee the continued development of the magazine to ensure it provides outstanding member value and supports the Society’s voice in higher education. In addition, the editor will work with marketing staff to build an enhanced and accessible online presence for the magazine. Ideal candidates will have a strong interest in higher education, 7+ years of publishing experience, and a flare for generating fresh and thought-provoking content for the magazine’s diverse readership.

The Forum staff consists of the editor and a freelance graphic designer and proofreader. The editor’s work is overseen by the chief marketing officer. The Society’s executive director serves as the magazine’s publisher.

A competitive salary commensurate with experience and an extraordinary benefit package await the new member of our team. The position will be located at the Society’s national office in Baton Rouge, LA. Relocation assistance is available. Submit resume, cover letter, and writing samples/portfolio materials by Dec. 1 to Phi Kappa Phi is an equal opportunity employer.

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Develop and maintain positive working relationships with team members and contributors.
  • Oversee the work of a freelance graphic designer and proofreader.
  • Partner with staff to select multidisciplinary theme for each edition.
  • Identify and assign volunteer writers for feature articles, columns, and reviews and guide their work from brainstorming ideas/angle/approach to final product.
  • Marshal Phi Kappa Phi-related content.
  • Coach, edit, and otherwise assist contributors of all other parts of the magazine.
  • Write standing items such as coming next issue, author bios, and captions.
  • Collaborate with marketing staff on house/strategic partner ads, merchandise and benefits page, and back cover.
  • Respond to letters to the editor and prepare relevant letters for publication.
  • Liaison with printer: monitor the production schedule, perform quality checks, approve final electronic galleys, and verify billing.
  • Assist the digital content editor in readying digital versions of the magazine.
  • Partner with chief marketing officer to identify strategies for growing the magazine’s online presence.
  • Team with the communications director for any social media promotions.
  • Compile addresses for contributor and complimentary copies.
  • Generate, distribute, and collect contributor paperwork like invitation letters, author contracts, publication agreement forms, and submission guidelines.
  • Perform various administrative tasks: file copyright paperwork, send postmaster copies for advertising percentage check, and send copies of each edition to EBSCO.
  • Handle reprint requests and licensing agreements (such as EBSCO).
  • Respond to queries such as would-be contributors and unsolicited manuscripts.
  • Keep up with industry trends and implement where appropriate.

Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • Journalism expertise across the board: editor, managing editor, assigning editor, copy editor, proofreader, fact checker, researcher, reporter, writer, and grammarian.
  • Familiarity with graphic design, art design, and layout.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills with ability to collaborate well with staff and contributors.
  • Mastery of time management and meeting deadlines.
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat.

Apply (or see more job posting information):  Submit your application today via the CofC Alumni Career Center!

About Megan Gould

Ms. Gould is the Coordinator for Events, Outreach, and Public Relations for the Department of Communication at the College of Charleston.

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